The issue item 25711 on combobox tabbing issue has already been resolved as per below link. However this issue still exits in ASP.NE AJAX Control Toolkit version
Please help if it is resolved.
Comments: Issues marked as __Resolved__ are available in the [source code](https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest) and will be included in one of the future releases. The issue is __Closed__ when a release with a fix for that issue is published. So, [25711](http://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/workitem/25711) issue fix is already available via source code (see [cec436a](https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/cec436ac43405208f13e284457140d88b1e01f91) commit of November 17), but AJAX Control Toolkit v15.1.4.0 was published before that date, so this fix will be included into the installer and NuGet package only in the next release.
The issue item 25711 on combobox tabbing issue has already been resolved as per below link. However this issue still exits in ASP.NE AJAX Control Toolkit version
Please help if it is resolved.
Comments: Issues marked as __Resolved__ are available in the [source code](https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest) and will be included in one of the future releases. The issue is __Closed__ when a release with a fix for that issue is published. So, [25711](http://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/workitem/25711) issue fix is already available via source code (see [cec436a](https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/cec436ac43405208f13e284457140d88b1e01f91) commit of November 17), but AJAX Control Toolkit v15.1.4.0 was published before that date, so this fix will be included into the installer and NuGet package only in the next release.