Typing the '.' character adds a space in-btween the last character typed and the decimal point. Upon tabbing out, the extra space is converted into a '0'. So typing "99." is converted into 990 upon tabbing out.
Comments: Thank you for sharing this video! This issue seems to be fixed after AJAX Control Toolkit v15.1.4 was released. To check it, please download the latest [source code](https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest) and run the SampleSite project. I am looking forward to your response.
Comments: Thank you for sharing this video! This issue seems to be fixed after AJAX Control Toolkit v15.1.4 was released. To check it, please download the latest [source code](https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest) and run the SampleSite project. I am looking forward to your response.