Commented Issue: Version 15.1 TabContainer CSS Inconsistency for Disabled...
The CSS class assigned to disabled tabs in the 15.1 Toolkit differs from previous releases. The "__tab_disabled" class was assigned to the tab previously (a SPAN) and now in v15.1 it gets assigned to...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Where is ComboBox predefind theme images? [27855]
Hi.Where is ComboBox predefind theme images?Please look at [ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit Demos v15.1 / ComboBox Demonstration]( and...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Where is ComboBox predefind theme images? [27855]
Hi.Where is ComboBox predefind theme images?Please look at [ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit Demos v15.1 / ComboBox Demonstration]( and...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Where is ComboBox predefind theme images? [27855]
Hi.Where is ComboBox predefind theme images?Please look at [ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit Demos v15.1 / ComboBox Demonstration]( and...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Wrong css resource loaded when use inherit class of...
Hi, I need to custom ComboBox control, so i create a class that inherit this control. But i can't use this class because the css resource is loaded is not correct.Seem that ajaxToolkit use...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Where is ComboBox predefind theme images? [27855]
Hi.Where is ComboBox predefind theme images?Please look at [ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit Demos v15.1 / ComboBox Demonstration]( and...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Handler was not added exception in TabContainer [27856]
Hi, I just created a tab container and put 2 tab panels inside the tab container. While running the website I am not getting any error but while in PostBack I am getting 'Handler was not added through...
View ArticleEdited Issue: SliderExtender handle image align broken in vertical...
SliderExtender handle image align broken in vertical orientation.This issue is observed in all browsers.You can see that on the [AJAX Control Toolkit Sample...
View ArticleEdited Issue: SliderExtender handle image align broken in vertical...
SliderExtender handle image align broken in vertical orientation.This issue is observed in all browsers.You can see that on the [AJAX Control Toolkit Sample...
View ArticleCommented Issue: SliderExtender handle image align broken in vertical...
SliderExtender handle image align broken in vertical orientation.This issue is observed in all browsers.You can see that on the [AJAX Control Toolkit Sample...
View ArticleEdited Issue: SliderExtender handle image align broken in vertical...
SliderExtender handle image align broken in vertical orientation.This issue is observed in all browsers.You can see that on the [AJAX Control Toolkit Sample...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Handler was not added exception in TabContainer [27856]
Hi, I just created a tab container and put 2 tab panels inside the tab container. While running the website I am not getting any error but while in PostBack I am getting 'Handler was not added through...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: MaskedEditExtender not working as expected on all...
Hello All,I am using MaskedEditExtender for phone number, Date etc. I am facing one issue with this which is given below.When i try to enter the phone number in a single turn then after few digits it...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: MaskedEditExtender not working as expected on all browsers...
Hello All,I am using MaskedEditExtender for phone number, Date etc. I am facing one issue with this which is given below.When i try to enter the phone number in a single turn then after few digits it...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Wrong css resource loaded when use inherit class of...
Hi, I need to custom ComboBox control, so i create a class that inherit this control. But i can't use this class because the css resource is loaded is not correct.Seem that ajaxToolkit use...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: MaskedEditExtender PostBack [27755]
I have a textbox with a masked exit extender that appears and works perfectly... until a postback occurs.The control:<asp:Label ID="lblWorkstation13" Text="Workstation Name (13):"...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: MaskedEditExtender PostBack [27755]
I have a textbox with a masked exit extender that appears and works perfectly... until a postback occurs.The control:<asp:Label ID="lblWorkstation13" Text="Workstation Name (13):"...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: AjaxFileUpload control doesn't work with ASP Routing [27754]
When using ASP .NET routing, the AjaxFileUpload control throws an exception related to not being able to find the temp directory where the control stores the uploaded file. It seems only routes that...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: AjaxFileUpload control doesn't work with ASP Routing...
When using ASP .NET routing, the AjaxFileUpload control throws an exception related to not being able to find the temp directory where the control stores the uploaded file. It seems only routes that...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: AjaxFileUpload control doesn't work with ASP Routing [27754]
When using ASP .NET routing, the AjaxFileUpload control throws an exception related to not being able to find the temp directory where the control stores the uploaded file. It seems only routes that...
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