Edited Feature: Convert HtmlEditorExtender Content into Canonical HTML [27159]
This is a feature proposal -- please vote for it if you want it.Currently, the HtmlEditorExtender will generate different HTML markup depending on the browser. For example, when you click the Bold...
View ArticleClosed Feature: Convert HtmlEditorExtender Content into Canonical HTML [27159]
This is a feature proposal -- please vote for it if you want it.Currently, the HtmlEditorExtender will generate different HTML markup depending on the browser. For example, when you click the Bold...
View ArticleEdited Feature: Ajax Line Chart X axis Text Rotation [27757]
Hello,How would i rotate Ajax Line chart x axis Text to -90 degrees.
View ArticleClosed Feature: Ajax Line Chart X axis Text Rotation [27757]
Hello,How would i rotate Ajax Line chart x axis Text to -90 degrees.Comments: Currently this feature is not implemented, but we will keep it in mind during out future work. Thank you for your suggestion!
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Script Error on NON Debugmode [27697]
HiWhen i turn of Debugmode to FALSE then i have Script Errors from ajaxcontroltoolkit.Why?Wha is wrong?When i ignor this errors, none tool is working from toolkit.When i use UpdatePanel and Timer with...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Asp:linechart not plotting last value [27678]
I Have a ajax toolkit line chart a vb.net 3.5 web app and when it plots it reaches the last value and displays it in the tooltip for the chart but does not plot it on the graph,is it a bug or is the a...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Asp:linechart not plotting last value [27678]
I Have a ajax toolkit line chart a vb.net 3.5 web app and when it plots it reaches the last value and displays it in the tooltip for the chart but does not plot it on the graph,is it a bug or is the a...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Error - Collection was modified; enumeration operation may...
There is discussion about this error @ http://forums.asp.net/p/1931886/5501172.aspx?p=True&t=635139958730585976&pagenum=1StackTrace at...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: 'MsAjaxBundle' is not a valid script name. The name must...
I know this issue has been addressed in the past however I have applied the corrections to the site.master and the default aspx pages with no success. Below are my site.master and default.aspx...
View ArticleClosed Issue: TSM_HiddenField - XSS Issue [26001]
A penetration test was recently executed against a major website and this came up as an issue. ToolScriptManager does not sanitize the input to this field - instead, it directly emits it to the client....
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Ajax Control Toolkit .NET 4.0. The debugger could not...
I installed the Ajax Control Toolkit .NET 4.0, file version 4, 1, 4012, 2 When I run my app in debug I get the following error: Locating source for...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Ajax Control Toolkit .NET 4.0. The debugger could not...
I installed the Ajax Control Toolkit .NET 4.0, file version 4, 1, 4012, 2 When I run my app in debug I get the following error: Locating source for...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: ATC .NET 4.5 - doesn't work on my MSVS 2012 [27631]
HelloHere is the case.1. Downloaded .NET 4,5 package2. Created Azure project with one webrole.3. Added reference to AjaxControlToolki.dll4. Added sanitizer and other stuff in web.config5. Creating this...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Script manager : runtime error [27623]
Hi,I'm working under VS2012 with vb.net code.I installed ajaxtoolkit with nuget package manager.I built my web site and it worked very well with ajax controls.But I uploaded my web site on the server,...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: AjaxFileUpload item always display "20 bytes" [27611]
On "Select Files", the list of selected files to be uploaded, always displays file size as "20 bytes".Correction Requred: File:...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: AjaxFileUpload item always display "20 bytes" [27611]
On "Select Files", the list of selected files to be uploaded, always displays file size as "20 bytes".Correction Requred: File:...
View ArticleReopened Feature: Slideshow effects [8626]
Add some slideshow effects like fadein-fadeout.
View ArticleEdited Feature: Slideshow effects [8626]
Add some slideshow effects like fadein-fadeout.
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Combined scripts are not cached [27531]
Hello, I just tried to set up combined scripts with the last version of ACT and it seems that scripts are never cached.page.aspx```<act:ToolkitScriptManager runat="server"...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: AjaxFileUpload: Corruption of file with double byte...
HelloI just noticed that the files with double byte characters as file name will be corrupted when uploaded via AjaxFileUpload (tested with version When I checked the contents of the...
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