Edited Issue: Error MaskedEdit [27913]
Good job,but I found this problem:code:<div class="groupFormButtonSearch"><asp:TextBox ID="txtDtaLimite" runat="server" Width="100%" TabIndex="12" MaxLength="10" placeHolder=" "...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Ajax tool kit Nov 11 release - unable to read text on a web...
I downloaded Ajax tool kit nov 2011 release. But adding reference and updating the web.config file with the right version, my web site does not work. It shows unreadable text on the web site. - View...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Ajax TK comboboxes doesnt render corretly [27141]
Hi,Comboboxes doesn´t render correctly if they are in a tabcointainer and the tabcontainer is in an accordion. I got helped with my firt issue when the combobox was in a nested tabcointainer. Then i...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: SliderExtender not working since upgrade [27936]
The following markup previously worked without issue before I upgraded to the devexpress managed version of the toolkit (v15.1.2 and recently v15.1.3)<asp:TextBox runat="server"...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxFileUpload Control - Doesn't work on page reached by...
The AjaxFileUpload control does not work if it is contained in a page that is reached from another page via Server.Transfer. It appears to work correctly when reached via Response.Redirect.Comments:...
View ArticleClosed Issue: AjaxFileUpload Control - Doesn't work on page reached by...
The AjaxFileUpload control does not work if it is contained in a page that is reached from another page via Server.Transfer. It appears to work correctly when reached via Response.Redirect.
View ArticleClosed Issue: ColorPickerExtender Not Picking CSS [27142]
I am using a CPE inside a Gridview that has a CSS.<asp:TextBox ID="txtColorPalette" runat="server" Text='<%#Bind("Attn_Type_Color")%>' CssClass="pl_textfield1" Width="80px"...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: SliderExtender not working since upgrade [27936]
The following markup previously worked without issue before I upgraded to the devexpress managed version of the toolkit (v15.1.2 and recently v15.1.3)<asp:TextBox runat="server"...
View ArticleClosed Issue: TabContainer OnActiveTabChanged event always fires [27135]
I installed the November release of the AjaxToolkit a little over a month ago, and shortly thereafter discovered this bug (in production no less). It seems that OnActiveTabChanged is firing even when...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Ajax Control Toolkit not working IE8 [27156]
Attached i have a simple site with a master page, a button control with a Rounded corners control.If you run it in IE9, Firefox & Chrome you get no issues but if you run it in IE8 or in IE9 with...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AJAX RoundedCornersExtender not working when CSS Gradient...
I used the following CSS entry to apply a green gradient to a button:filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#77d42a', endColorstr='#5cb811'); When applied, the buttons will...
View ArticleClosed Issue: version changed to 4.1.60501.0 ,cause error on IE8, not...
Hi ,I have changed ajaxcontroltoolkit to 4.1.60501.0, the it shows error like the attachment on IE 8 ( not in IE9 , IE9 (mode IE8),firefox,chrome)Comments: Please upgrade to the latest version of AJAX...
View ArticleClosed Issue: MaskedEditExtender/CalendarExtender IE9 Issue [27166]
I'm trying to use the MaskedEditExtender and CalendarExtendar from the Toolkit.I am having an issue when you type a date in the TextBox after the first time, it is not focusing to that date when you...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: SliderExtender not working since upgrade [27936]
The following markup previously worked without issue before I upgraded to the devexpress managed version of the toolkit (v15.1.2 and recently v15.1.3)<asp:TextBox runat="server"...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Add Extender Missing after upgrade [27937]
I installed the new Ajax Control ToolKit, uninstalled an older version from an existing project and migrated the project to the new version. I replaced all the old toolscriptmanager with...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Mouse cursor issue when dragging in modal popup control or drag...
Both DragPanelExtender and ModalPopupExtender have the mouse cursor issue when controls are dragged under IE. When you mouse over the drag panel, cursor changes to 'move'. When you drag the control,...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Type AjaxControlToolkit.BoxSide has already been registered....
I have two applications that use Ajax Controls. The first uses a modal popup to look-up some information. The second uses an update panel with a nested multiview to navigate through a setup. The second...
View ArticleClosed Issue: ajax tabcontainer Can't move focus to the control because it is...
Hello Sir/Madm ,i have got this issue when i use ajax tabcontainer . i have simple put this on page when my page is open in IE then it will raised this error.i have used ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll version...
View ArticleCommented Issue: CollapsiblePanelExtender Loses Session in IE8 [27182]
If your CollapsiblePanelExtender's ImageControlID points to an ASP:Image control that does not have any ImageURL specified then it will cause IE8 to lose all session variables. The problem does not...
View ArticleCommented Issue: CalendarExtender and CompareValidator [27183]
When using a CompareValidator control with the CalendarExtender, if you enter an invalid date and the CompareValidator shows the error message the CalendarExtender popup calendar will not stay shown it...
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