Closed Issue: AjaxFileUpload, does not update updatepanels. [27205]
I couldnt really think of a better way to describe this issue in the title so i still hope it will be considered.Anyway, i have an AjaxFileUpload control on my page which works fine. Beneath it is an...
View ArticleClosed Issue: AsyncFileUpload hangs on IE if Response.End() serverside [27387]
After submitting a file through AsyncFileUpload, If I want to End the response in ASP.NET in order to stop the onload event client side, it works fine in Chrome and FireFox but not in IE8/IE9.I...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: How to display table icon in the Ajaxcontroltoolkit...
Hi, I am having website in and c#. I want to display editor having htmleditorextender control. I need to put table icons in the editor, how to do that--draw table, insert table, etc.ThanksSara
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: How to display table icon in the Ajaxcontroltoolkit...
Hi, I am having website in and c#. I want to display editor having htmleditorextender control. I need to put table icons in the editor, how to do that--draw table, insert table,...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: How to display spellcheck icon in htmleditorextender?...
Hi, I am having website in and c#. I want to display editor having htmleditorextender control. I need to put spellcheck in the editor.ThanksSara
View ArticleCommented Issue: Calendar animating incorrect when size is changed [27905]
The Calendar animation is incorrect when the width or the height of the calendar body is changed via css class. I have made some changes to the __Calendar.js__ file to fix the issue. I dont know if it...
View ArticleReopened Issue: Calendar animating incorrect when size is changed [27905]
The Calendar animation is incorrect when the width or the height of the calendar body is changed via css class. I have made some changes to the __Calendar.js__ file to fix the issue. I dont know if it...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: ScriptUserControl class missing! [27946]
Hello,I just thought I would give it a try and port my web project to the all new ACT.The very first problem I noticed my solution containing my own controls based on ACT did not...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Accessibility: Dynamic Populate (c) - changes to dynamic...
The changes to the dynamic content of the dynamic populate control are not detected by a screen reader's virtual buffer. Screen readers use a cache of the page elements, commonly known as a virtual...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Combobox render [27947]
Hi,the AJAX Combobox is not render correctlyif I Insert a new Ajax combobox, the message goes away (null parameters: stream - see attached image), then I save the project, but when I re opened it, I...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Combobox render [27947]
Hi,the AJAX Combobox is not render correctly.If I Insert a new Ajax combobox, the message goes away (null parameters: stream - see attached image), then I save the project, but when I re opened it, I...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxControlToolkit for .NET 2.0 Assembly different versions...
Hello,I found that the AjaxControlToolkit.dll included in the non-code version for v20229 has an assembly version of 1.0.20229.20821, but If I generate the dll from the full version with code, it...
View ArticleEdited Issue: AjaxControlToolkit for .NET 2.0 Assembly different versions...
Hello,I found that the AjaxControlToolkit.dll included in the non-code version for v20229 has an assembly version of 1.0.20229.20821, but If I generate the dll from the full version with code, it...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Combobox render [27947]
Hi,the AJAX Combobox is not render correctly.If I Insert a new Ajax combobox, the message goes away (null parameters: stream - see attached image), then I save the project, but when I re opened it, I...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HTMLEditorExtender + Google Chrome [27207]
Just discovered that HTMLEditorExtender doesn't allow image resizing when using Google Chrome (but works fine with Firefox)Comments: Hi! Thank your for your report. This happens because Firefox has a...
View ArticleEdited Issue: HTMLEditorExtender + Google Chrome [27207]
Just discovered that HTMLEditorExtender doesn't allow image resizing when using Google Chrome (but works fine with Firefox)
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Combobox render [27947]
Hi,the AJAX Combobox is not render correctly.If I Insert a new Ajax combobox, the message goes away (null parameters: stream - see attached image), then I save the project, but when I re opened it, I...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: How to display spellcheck icon in htmleditorextender?...
Hi, I am having website in and c#. I want to display editor having htmleditorextender control. I need to put spellcheck in the editor.ThanksSaraComments: Hi! Unfortunately, currently...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: How to display spellcheck icon in htmleditorextender? [27945]
Hi, I am having website in and c#. I want to display editor having htmleditorextender control. I need to put spellcheck in the editor.ThanksSara
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: How to display table icon in the Ajaxcontroltoolkit...
Hi, I am having website in and c#. I want to display editor having htmleditorextender control. I need to put table icons in the editor, how to do that--draw table, insert table,...
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