Closed Issue: CascadingDropDowns error when inside a modalDialog [27366]
Hello,There's a bug when I put two or more cascading dropdowns inside a ASP modalDialog.For example, I have two cascadingDropdowns inside a modalDialog where the second one depends on the first.When I...
View ArticleClosed Issue: AjaxFileUpload don't work in userControls [27254]
AjaxFileUpload don't work in the usercontrol. Any Events are not triggered.
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: overrride js function [27953]
Hido you have an example to override a js function of ajaxcontroltoolkit?I need to override Ajaxcontroltoolkit.updatepanelanimationbehavior.prototype._partialupdatebeginrequestthanksComments: Hi! This...
View ArticleEdited Issue: overrride js function [27953]
Hido you have an example to override a js function of ajaxcontroltoolkit?I need to override Ajaxcontroltoolkit.updatepanelanimationbehavior.prototype._partialupdatebeginrequestthanks
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Problem with dynamically created nested UpdatePanels...
Here is a clean aspx page. There are two parts. Design time created controls work fine. Button click event get fired.The second part contains only an update panel and a tabcontainer. In the code...
View ArticleClosed Issue: CascadingDropDown - ParseKnownCategoryValuesString with JSON...
Sorry if this is not the correct way to submit changes, but have run into an issue and found what I believe is the correct fix.(nb:Tried to select the component but couldnt, so had to put in title)When...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: HtmlAgilityPackSanitizerProvider tag BR [27445]
If run HtmlAgilityPackSanitizerProvider with tag "br" in white list throws an exception. (Because tag.Value in BR tag is NULL)To resolve this error need to check if null in attributes.After foreach...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HtmlEditorExtender adding & when typing < or > [27942]
It seems the HtmlEditorExtender is adding a '&' when users enter '<' or '>':* '>' ==> '&>'* '<' ==> '&<'Thanks for your help.Configuration:* IE 10* VS2013* .Net 4.5*...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: ValidatorCalloutExtender appears at top left of PAGE...
Infragistics 11.2 - 13.1: WebDatePicker. ValidatorCalloutExtender appears at top left of the PAGE, not next to the control. According to Infragistics:------------After some research, I have come across...
View ArticleClosed Issue: SCRIPT87: Invalid argument. in Common.Common.js with IE 8. [27232]
Common.Common.js, Line 3 character 12627, Invalid ArgumentAfter applying the property "id"="ExtenderContentEditable", the property is "height"="-25px". This error is Invalid Argument....
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Ajaxfileupload asp authorization and formview issues [27455]
I recently tried upgrading to the latest ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit from 7.0123 to 7.0607 as the ajaxfileupload component appeared to have a bug in that no matter what file extensions I told it to...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Ajax Modal popup Extender - Infinite Scroll bar Issue...
I am using Ajax Modal popup Extender(version 4.0.30319) in my application.After Modal popup extender comes up, an infinte scroll bar is appearing in IE browser.when i use scroll bars to see the popup...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Ajax modal popup extender does not popup [27465]
I'm using framework with ajaxcontroltoolkit 7.0607. The modal popup does not 'popup'The previous release worked find:Here's the markup<asp:Panel ID="PanelDiscardChanges"...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: AjaxFileUpload: clicking upload results in empty...
Hi,I'm using a AjaxFileUpload control in a Modal Popup.This modal popup contains a few labels and a 2 textboxes. 1 with just plain text and one hidden textbox with an id inside.When I click upload on...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: ListSearchExtender - space bar issue [27474]
Hello;I'm using a ListSearchExtender for a list of cities in a given state. If the state is CA, the list contains several listitems made of two words, like "San Andreas", "San Bernardino", "San...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: calendar loads css on every async post back [27486]
I like your calendar and I have recently replaced all my old infragistics calendars with the calendar extender.I made some changes to the styles and I load my css after the default css loads so it...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Positioning of ComboBox in GridView or Table [26826]
I have a need to use the ComboxBox as input for multiple GridView Columns, only the last ComboBox displays correctly, the rest are positioned below the row. I'm attaching a sample source code using...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Masked Edit extender behaviour in showModalDialog (a bug?!)...
I am using masked edit extender to place a mask for date and time and I must say its a fantastic extender. However I have an issue.I have placed the masked edit extender in an aspx file which is shown...
View ArticleCommented Issue: overrride js function [27953]
Hido you have an example to override a js function of ajaxcontroltoolkit?I need to override Ajaxcontroltoolkit.updatepanelanimationbehavior.prototype._partialupdatebeginrequestthanksComments: ThankĀ“s...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HTMLEditorExtender CSS Issues [27009]
Hello,Issue #1 Display NoneNote - This only occurs in Internet Explorer 8 to my knowledge. This does NOT occur in Internet Explorer 9 utilizing compatibility mode to view the page in Internet Explorer...
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