Commented Unassigned: Modal Popup incorrect z-index in tab container and...
Just noticed this with the latest release, 15.1.4. I have a tabcontainer inside an updatepanel with updatemode = conditional. Some of the tabs trigger a modalpopupextender via code-behind also via...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: masked edit extender numeric mask behavior with...
When loading the control from the code behind, a mask of 99.9 and acceptnegative set to left (or right does not matter), the control only displays the first digit to the left of the decimal, and the...
View ArticleCommented Issue: MaskEditExtender: date mask isn't supported [27370]
If 99/LLL/9999 mask is used and MaskType=Date is set, then in wrong value is displayed: instead of short name of month NaN is appears. This behavior also shows when UpdatePanel is used on...
View ArticleClosed Issue: MaskEditExtender: date mask isn't supported [27370]
If 99/LLL/9999 mask is used and MaskType=Date is set, then in wrong value is displayed: instead of short name of month NaN is appears. This behavior also shows when UpdatePanel is used on web-page.
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: masked edit extender numeric mask behavior with...
When loading the control from the code behind, a mask of 99.9 and acceptnegative set to left (or right does not matter), the control only displays the first digit to the left of the decimal, and the...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Doc.body.scrollTop donĀ“t always return an integer [27957]
Hello. I am using the AjaxControlToolkit v.15.1.3 in a Webform application and have som problems with that Doc.body.scrollTop dont always return an integer. The browser im using is Chrome Version...
View ArticleClosed Issue: AjaxFileUpload and HtmlEditorExtender not calling...
DEV ENV: VS 2008 SP1, .NET 3.5AjaxControlTooklit.dll (Version 3.5.60919.0)ISSUEHtmlEditorExtender and AjaxFileUpload do not work well when created and added to the page dynamically. Special steps and...
View ArticleCommented Issue: htmleditorextender set value in the editor using javascript...
Hi,I am trying to work with the new htmleditorextender but am having trouble clearing the value/ or changing in the textbox. (in the old editor I was able to use "set_content("")").When using input...
View ArticleClosed Issue: htmleditorextender set value in the editor using javascript...
Hi,I am trying to work with the new htmleditorextender but am having trouble clearing the value/ or changing in the textbox. (in the old editor I was able to use "set_content("")").When using input...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Block UI same Jquery [27219]
Is possible create a blockui as with jquery ajax ?Comments: Would you please clarify what you want to achieve and how it is related to AJAX Control Toolkit?
View ArticleClosed Issue: Tab Container Issue when switch the tab panel [27228]
1. Set the Tab Container "OnDemand = true".2. The tab container has two tab panle.3. The tab 1 has the form element, and they have therir validation control4. The tab 2 has one grid view control5. Set...
View ArticleCommented Issue: TabPanels display slightly different when using html5...
When using the html5 doctype declaration (<!DOCTYPE html>) there is a small gap between the tabs and the tabpanels in several browsers. Here's a screen capture from IE9 to show you what's...
View ArticleClosed Issue: TabPanels display slightly different when using html5 doctype...
When using the html5 doctype declaration (<!DOCTYPE html>) there is a small gap between the tabs and the tabpanels in several browsers. Here's a screen capture from IE9 to show you what's...
View ArticleClosed Issue: HTML Editor Init performance - save 3 seconds! [26791]
When HTMLEditor is created AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.ToolbarButton.CommonButton.OnInit (EventArgs) is called 56 times. Each call creates a new instance ResoureManager and reads a single string.When...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Add "Insert" capability to MaskedEditExtender instead of just...
When entering text into a TextBox that is not empty, most users expect newly typed characters to be inserted where the cursor is, pushing existing text off to the right. A TextBox with a...
View ArticleEdited Feature: ContextMenu: Relevant menu for controls available on right...
Similar to Popup/HoverMenu - displays a custom menu when the on oncontextmenu event is fired on an element.
View ArticleEdited Feature: Add "Insert" capability to MaskedEditExtender instead of just...
When entering text into a TextBox that is not empty, most users expect newly typed characters to be inserted where the cursor is, pushing existing text off to the right. A TextBox with a...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Paste from MS Word (with cleanup) in HTMLEditorExtender [26985]
We need the two paste operation:Paste Plain TextPaste from MS Word (with cleanup)in the new HTMLEditorExtender. Like we had in the old HTMLEditor.
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Modal Popup incorrect z-index in tab container and...
Just noticed this with the latest release, 15.1.4. I have a tabcontainer inside an updatepanel with updatemode = conditional. Some of the tabs trigger a modalpopupextender via code-behind also via...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Attempting to use V15.1.4 with an Empty ASP.Net Web...
Attempting to use V15.1.4 of AJAX Control Toolkit with Visual Studio 2015 and an Empty ASP.Net Web Application. The Toolbox shows the Toolkit tab but all of the controls are greyed out and the tab only...
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