Closed Issue: Backspace and Delete exception when optionList is null [26686]
Release 30930, using IE7 on Win XP.To reproduce:1. ComboBox is databound with an empty collection (i.e. this._optionListItems is null and this._highlightedIndex is null)2. Enter text into input3....
View ArticleClosed Issue: Combobox with dots in value failed [24445]
Code Example:<cc1:ComboBox ID="ComboBox1" runat="server" AutoCompleteMode="SuggestAppend" DropDownStyle="DropDownList"> <asp:ListItem Value="1">1. TTT</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem...
View ArticleClosed Issue: ComboBox - MaxLength ignored [25469]
The MaxLength property on the ComboBox is ignored. If I copy and paste a character repeatedly into the ComboBox it stops me at 5 characters like it's supposed to. But if I just type characters from the...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Combobox breaks if ClientIDMode is static [27148]
In 4.0 if we change ClientIDMode to static and try to create to 2 instances of combobox on same page then second combobox breaks.Comments: This issue is fixed with release June 2012.
View ArticleClosed Issue: Seadragon Control's openTileSource() method doesn't work (with...
(originally reported by lothaine)I'm not sure how to make a patch so I'm submitting this here. In version 48659, in the file Seadragon.pre.js, on line 877, there is a function: openTileSource:...
View ArticleClosed Issue: OnUpdated animation starts before OnUpdating has finished [21310]
The UpdatePanelAnimationExtender control will cancel the OnUpdating animation and start the OnUpdated animation as soon as the UpdatePanel async postback returns. This is not always desirable as it can...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Handler was not added through the Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler...
Hi,I'm trying to us a tabcontainer inside a updatepanel and if I use postbacks to change values inside the update panel I get the following error: Uncaught Sys.InvalidOperationException:...
View ArticleClosed Issue: TabContainer throws exception in user control with Nov release...
A user control contains a tabcontainer. When aspx page loads, the user control is not visible. Ajax toolkit script function tries to set focus on tabcontainer and it throws exception : "Can't move...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.InvalidOperationException:...
Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Handler was not added through the Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler method.I get this iritating warning on my webpage when i use TabContainer...
View ArticleClosed Issue: TabContainer OnActiveTabChanged event always fires [27081]
I recently installed the November release of the AjaxToolkit, and just discovered this bug (in production no less). It seems that OnActiveTabChanged is firing even when it ISN'T changing. It fires on...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxFileUpload is not work at include querystring. [27155]
Below url is official ajax sample web site.I was found upload error when attached...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxFileUpload assumes no query strings already exist in...
When AjaxFileUpload post back it takes your page URL and appends onto the end of it it's own query strings (contextkey and guid). This works fine if your page URL doesn't already contain any query...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HtmlEditorExtender is breaking windows position [27026]
HtmlEditorExtender is breaking my application position by the code bellow. Some woraround can be made?/// Wraps ASP.NET's WebForm_OnSubmit in order to encode tags prior to...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HtmlEditorExtender is breaking windows position [27026]
HtmlEditorExtender is breaking my application position by the code bellow. Some woraround can be made?/// Wraps ASP.NET's WebForm_OnSubmit in order to encode tags prior to...
View ArticleClosed Issue: HTMLEditorExtender - postback escapes links and images [27160]
Hi,I have been working with the May 2012 release of the AjaxControlToolkit and am very impressed with the new HTMLEditorExtender Insert Image feature and the new file upload feature.However, as...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Module HTMLEditor is too slow [24355]
Module HTMLEditor is too slow. It loads the processor to 100% within 4-5 seconds.Comments: Fixed by creating a new HtmlEditorExtender control which is lightweight and based on HTML5.
View ArticleCommented Issue: HtmlEditorExtender does not dynamically load well in an...
When loaded dynamically in a placeholder, the control is not rendered properly.It works well without the updatePanel <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" ChildrenAsTriggers="true"...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Problem with tabcontainer in IE8 [27201]
Hello, My team and me have developped a control using some ajax controls... The main control used is the tabcontainer containing 2-3 tabPanels.Our control is working perfectly in ie9, firefox, chrome,...
View ArticleCreated Issue: ModalPopupExtender on FireFox incorrectly sets zIndex. [27202]
Bug # 12426 was closed but the bug remains. Didn't know how to reopen that bug report, but the details I left there remain. opened the source code...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Microsoft JScript runtime error:...
I have a tab container with 3 tab panels.Inside the first tab panel i have cascading drop down extenders and dynamic populate extender. I have placed a button inside this tab panel which when clicked...
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