Created Issue: ajax Line Chart [27368]
Hi Team,1. In ajax:LineChart, i cant find an Property to provide X and Y axis name to the Chart. 2. No property to provide X and Y Label.3. How to rotate X and Y axis Label Vertically. kindly let me...
View ArticleEdited Issue: ajax Line Chart [27368]
Hi Team,1. In ajax:LineChart, i cant find an Property to provide X and Y axis name to the Chart. 2. No property to provide X and Y Label.3. How to rotate X and Y axis Label Vertically. kindly let me...
View ArticleEdited Issue: ajax Line Chart [27368]
Hi Team,1. In ajax:LineChart, i cant find an Property to provide X and Y axis name to the Chart. 2. No property to provide X and Y Label.3. How to rotate X and Y axis Label Vertically(90deg). kindly...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxControlToolkit does not contain a script with hash code...
Hello SupportWe are facing below issue-Assembly "AjaxControlToolkit, Version=3.5.40412.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e" does not contain a script with hash code...
View ArticleCommented Issue: ComboBox issue on auto selection [27345]
When I use SuggestAppend mode on AjaxControlToolKit ComboBox,the selected line is shown at screen on Google Chrome but not on IE 9.This isssue seems to exist only with long items list (several hundred...
View ArticleCommented Issue: DragPanel is not working on IE10 (win8) [27367]
It seems that DragPanel is not working on IE10 (windows 8 x64).For example the official sample (just try it yourself :...
View ArticleCreated Issue: AjaxFileUpload: Drag and Drop is not working on IE10 for...
It seems that Drag and Drop function of the AjaxFileUpload control is not working on IE10 (tested in IE10 for Windows 7). For example the official sample (just try it yourself :...
View ArticleCreated Issue: MaskEditExtender: date mask isn't supported [27370]
If 99/LLL/9999 mask is used and MaskType=Date is set, then in wrong value is displayed: instead of short name of month NaN is appears. This behavior also shows when UpdatePanel is used on web-page.
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxFileUpload: Drag and Drop is not working on IE10 for...
It seems that Drag and Drop function of the AjaxFileUpload control is not working on IE10 (tested in IE10 for Windows 7). For example the official sample (just try it yourself :...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxControlToolkit requires ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 scripts error...
hi,i tried to make ajaxcontroltoolkit work with visual studio 2012 and 4.5, but it never worksI always get error : AjaxControlToolkit requires ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 scripts. Ensure the correct...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxControlToolkit requires ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 scripts error...
hi,i tried to make ajaxcontroltoolkit work with visual studio 2012 and 4.5, but it never worksI always get error : AjaxControlToolkit requires ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 scripts. Ensure the correct...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Sys.FormatException [27371]
hi,i try to using . everything ok except when ajaxcontorltoolkit is enable . if ajax control toolkit is enable this error come :```Uncaught Sys.FormatException: Sys.FormatException:...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxFileUpload control doesn't work if it's placed on an...
AjaxFileUpload control doesn't work if it's placed on an initially invisible Panel control. Files can be selected on the client side, but if the user clicks the Upload button then the upload will not...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Can't use toolkit after nuget update [27372]
I used Nuget to update an existing project to the latest version of the tookit newVersion="". After the update I made a blank page and tried to drop a toolkitscriptmanager on it and it does...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Delete/Backspace keys do not work on MaskEditExtender +...
Hello,Comments: Please provide a fix for this issue. Thank you.
View ArticleCreated Issue: PieChart doesn't render all segments correctly [27373]
AjaxToolkit Version: IE9.When populating the PieChart via code if a segment covers more than approx 50% then it isn't displayed correctly.Code: string[] surveyItems = new string[3] {...
View ArticleCreated Issue: AsyncFileUpload problem with IE due to "Include local...
Hi,I am facing an issue with the AsyncFileUpload control when the IE "Miscellaneous" security setting "Include local directory path when uploading files" is disabled.This setting happens to have been...
View ArticleCommented Issue: PieChart doesn't render all segments correctly [27373]
AjaxToolkit Version: IE9.When populating the PieChart via code if a segment covers more than approx 50% then it isn't displayed correctly.Code: string[] surveyItems = new string[3] {...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Ajax update panel not working [27375]
I have the three dropdownlist inside the update panel in my aspx page.But till it is giving the postbacks.Please help me in solving the issue..aspx page...
View ArticleCreated Issue: CalendarExtender updates seconds when clicking "today" [27376]
When clicking the "Today" button rather than a date button in the CalendarExtender the following happens:The __year, month, day__ and __seconds__ parts of the date text in the text field are...
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