Created Unassigned: using BalloonPopupExtender inside TabPanel and browsing...
when i use BalloonPopupExtender inside TabPanel, as below:<ajaxToolkit:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="1" Height="177px" Width="436px"><ajaxToolkit:TabPanel...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Error happens when using toolkit in VS2012 default web...
I'm using ajax control toolkit in the default forms project created in VS2012. Basically I add the ToolkitScriptManager and TextBoxWatermarkExtender to test if the toolkit works well. I get the...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Tab Container still not handling User Controls [27397]
Issue # 27053 is still valid even in Jan 2013 release
View ArticleCommented Issue: AutoCompleteExtender & RequiredFieldValidator problem inside...
i'm using toolkit version 3.0.20820.16598, the page contains an UpdatePanel containing an AutocompleteExtender and a RequiredFieldValidator with their related TextBoxes, everything is OK and working...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HTMLeditor cut, copy not working correctly in IE9 [26942]
Anything copied/cut from inside the HTMLEditor is not getting to the clipboard correctly. In fact the delete portion of the cut function is not working either. This only occurs in IE9 WITHOUT...
View ArticleClosed Issue: MaskEditValidator does not work with date input using format...
MaskEditValidator does not validate correctly if the date format is dd/mm/yyyy.Attached is the fix for the bug.In the following file...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: ModalPopup dragging not working on IE10 (desktop) under...
Hello,In our project, we are using ModalPopupExtender and it is not working using desktop IE10 running under Windows 8. Popup cannot be dragged. I have tried to use different Browser Modes (IE10, 9, 8,...
View ArticleCommented Issue: ModalPopupExtender Issues Resolved [26137]
Issue 1: The new modal extender attaches the background and foreground elements to the form. This is great for resolving layout issues, but not so great when you are using a modal popup extender within...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Reorder list and IE compatibility mode by default [27288]
The drag and drop in Reorder list does not work with IE8 in this case- tag <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />- IE 8 with "compatibility mode for intranet" checked or the web...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Re: Multiple AjaxFileUpload Controls on Same Web Page...
Unfortunately, having more than one AjaxFileUpload control within the same web page will not work. This has been documented by other developers who have run into the same issue but trying to find it on...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Modal Popups not hidden if site publiched with precompile...
VS2012 Update 2 (Publish Web Site is replaced with the new wizard)if website published with the Precompile options, modal popups are shown inline (i.e. not hidden as should).if published without...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: Modal Popups not hidden if site published with precompile...
VS2012 Update 2 (Publish Web Site is replaced with the new wizard)if website published with the Precompile options, modal popups are shown inline (i.e. not hidden as should).if published without...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: AjaxFileUpload does not work when update panel updates...
Hi,I have the same issue that this guy. all,first of all: I´m...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: AjaxFileUpload button does not work when update panel...
Hi,I have the same issue that this guy. all,first of all: I´m...
View ArticleCommented Issue: TabContainer: UseVerticalStripPlacement causes error in IE...
If you use a TabContainer with UseVerticalStripPlacement="True", the script throws an error in IE on this line:$get(this.get_id() + "_headerSpannerHeight").style.height = spannerHeight;On my page,...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Problem with dynamically created nested UpdatePanels [27402]
Here is a clean aspx page. There are two parts. Design time created controls work fine. Button click event get fired.The second part contains only an update panel and a tabcontainer. In the code...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: AjaxFileUpload button does not work when update panel...
Hi,I have the same issue that this guy. all,first of all: I´m...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: AjaxControlToolkit.Sanitizer is not working with...
I am using HtmlAgilityPackSanitizerProvider in my 4.5 website application.I want to use latest HtmlAgilityPack 1.4.6 but the ajax control toolkit SanitizerProviders giving me error...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Html Editor Encodes & in query string when using source...
If I have a link as follows using the latest Jan 2013 build:<a href="">text</a>When I switch between the source to WYSISYG and back to source...
View ArticleCommented Issue: TabContainer: UseVerticalStripPlacement causes error in IE...
If you use a TabContainer with UseVerticalStripPlacement="True", the script throws an error in IE on this line:$get(this.get_id() + "_headerSpannerHeight").style.height = spannerHeight;On my page,...
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