Commented Issue: AjaxFileUpload ContextKeys Is Not Implemented [27384]
The demo site shows the ContextKeys property as a way to pass some extra values with the file upload post but it does not work and looking at the source code the property exists but does not appear to...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: MaskedEditExtender's ClearMaskOnLostFocus does not work...
Using as an example of starting the April 30 version version shifting the focus on the textbox the page is not erased the mask, the result is visible in the...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: MaskedEdit not working in April 2013 release [27419]
I have a problem’s with new version (April 2013) of MaskedEdit. Date and Time value is not verified, TextBox is not cleared on wrong value and also on exit from TextBox stays __.__.____. The same...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: MaskedEdit not working in April 2013 and June 2013 release...
I have a problem’s with new version (April 2013) of MaskedEdit. Date and Time value is not verified, TextBox is not cleared on wrong value and also on exit from TextBox stays __.__.____. The same...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HtmlEditorExtender in Right-To-Left contents [27332]
Hi everyone,The question is:How to change the default style applied to INDENT, OUTDENT, etc. in HtmlEditorExtender?A full detail on the issue:I've used HtmlEditorExtender in a "Right-To-Left" oriented...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Animated modal popup [27440]
Hi,could you provide me the source code used in your tutorial where is used an animation to open a popup dialog using the ModalPopupExtender control please (see image attached and the url of the...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: MaskedEditExtender's ClearMaskOnLostFocus does not work...
Using as an example of starting the April 30 version version shifting the focus on the textbox the page is not erased the mask, the result is visible in the...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: ClearMaskOnLostFocus property not working [27441]
MaskedEditExtender's ClearMaskOnLostFocus property not working.
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage reference missing in...
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage reference missing in fb45cab159a5
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: AsyncFileUpload with Firefox 22.0b1 script busy [27429]
I always test my sites with beta versions of firefox, this week Firefox 22.0b1 was released and the AsyncFileUpload started to generate a "script busy" message and it is not working anymore:>...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: MaskedEditExtender's ClearMaskOnLostFocus does not work...
Using as an example of starting the April 30 version version shifting the focus on the textbox the page is not erased the mask, the result is visible in the...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: TwitterControl does not work any more [27443]
My guess its using the old api that expired 2013-06-11!
View ArticleCommented Issue: ModalPopupExtender and ValidationSummary not working on...
I have a ModalPopupExtender (mpeAddEdit) that shows on page load. In the ModalPopupExtender there is a ValidationSummary Control (vsDutyLog). If the validationsummary control is present or enabled,...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: ASP.NET 4.5: 'MsAjaxBundle' is not a valid script name....
I installed through NuGet the latest version of Ajax Control Toolkit (June 2013 Release).After coding how is indicate in page, I received this...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: AsyncFileUpload with Firefox 22.0b1 script busy [27429]
I always test my sites with beta versions of firefox, this week Firefox 22.0b1 was released and the AsyncFileUpload started to generate a "script busy" message and it is not working anymore:>...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: HtmlAgilityPackSanitizerProvider tag BR [27445]
If run HtmlAgilityPackSanitizerProvider with tag "br" in white list throws an exception. (Because tag.Value in BR tag is NULL)To resolve this error need to check if null in attributes.After foreach...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: HtmlAgilityPackSanitizerProvider tag BR [27445]
If run HtmlAgilityPackSanitizerProvider with tag "br" in white list throws an exception. (Because tag.Value in BR tag is NULL)To resolve this error need to check if null in attributes.After foreach...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: AjaxFileUpload not working perfectly [27446]
I have download the latest code from the : then while started working with the same code, I got an error as attached with this...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage reference missing in...
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage reference missing in fb45cab159a5Comments: From above link: Please follow the steps from the "Building the...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: AsyncFileUpload with Firefox 22.0b1 script busy [27429]
I always test my sites with beta versions of firefox, this week Firefox 22.0b1 was released and the AsyncFileUpload started to generate a "script busy" message and it is not working anymore:>...
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