Created Issue: ajax tabcontanier Can't move focus to the control because it...
Hello Sir/Madam ,I have faced this error when i use ajax tabcontainer . I have used ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll version 4.1.51116. kindly help me to resolve that error.Thanks Ruchir
View ArticleCommented Issue: HTMLEditor Fails in Medium Trust [26772]
The HTML Editor control fails on post back in medium trust with a security exception. In the LoadPostData method this line of code is failing:post = postCollection[ActiveModeId];if...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HtmlEditorExtender does not render in an inactive TabPanel...
If the HtmlEditorExtender is used in a TabPanel which is not initially active on page load, then all that is displayed is what appears to be a very narrow vertical scrollbar on the left side of the...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Issue using AutoCompleteExtender with ModalPopup [27078]
Hi,I used AutoCompleteExtender control within ModalPopup. When user type some value using AutoCompleteExtender and select one value from search list, I am populating value based on the user selection...
View ArticleCommented Issue: TabPanel print two ids in HTML [27073]
Hi, i am creating dinamically tabs on a TabContainer and all display and work well.But when the you look the HTML of TabPanel have the id repeated like that:<div...
View ArticleCommented Issue: TabPanel print two ids in HTML [27073]
Hi, i am creating dinamically tabs on a TabContainer and all display and work well.But when the you look the HTML of TabPanel have the id repeated like that:<div...
View ArticleCreated Issue: collapsiblepanelextender renders display:none; in none visible...
if you put a collapsible panel in a tabPanel of a tabcontainer (but its not the visible tab) then no matter what the collapsedSize is set to it adds display: none to the div causing it to not render at...
View ArticleCreated Issue: TabContainer OnActiveTabChanged event always fires [27081]
I recently installed the November release of the AjaxToolkit, and just discovered this bug (in production no less). It seems that OnActiveTabChanged is firing even when it ISN'T changing. It fires on...
View ArticleCreated Issue: HTMLEditor paste error in IE9 [27082]
The three paste buttons in the HTMLEditor aren't working in Internet Explorer 9. They do nothing at all (and no script error either).
View ArticleCommented Issue: TabContainer OnActiveTabChanged event always fires [27081]
I recently installed the November release of the AjaxToolkit, and just discovered this bug (in production no less). It seems that OnActiveTabChanged is firing even when it ISN'T changing. It fires on...
View ArticleEdited Issue: TabContainer OnActiveTabChanged event always fires [27081]
I recently installed the November release of the AjaxToolkit, and just discovered this bug (in production no less). It seems that OnActiveTabChanged is firing even when it ISN'T changing. It fires on...
View ArticleCommented Issue: TabContainer OnActiveTabChanged event always fires [27081]
I recently installed the November release of the AjaxToolkit, and just discovered this bug (in production no less). It seems that OnActiveTabChanged is firing even when it ISN'T changing. It fires on...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Tab container inside accordion - javascript tab select error...
with latest November update, tab container inside of an accordion is throwing a javascript error on page load trying to select tab. _setFocus: function (obj) { $get("__tab_" +...
View ArticleCommented Issue: TabContainer throws exception in user control with Nov...
A user control contains a tabcontainer. When aspx page loads, the user control is not visible. Ajax toolkit script function tries to set focus on tabcontainer and it throws exception : "Can't move...
View ArticleCommented Issue: CalendarExtender issue with multi-lingal site ,calender does...
CalendarExtender control has one issue while working with multi-lingal sitewhen we open calender popup at bottom we can see today with current date and when we cofnigure site for different language...
View ArticleCommented Issue: CalendarExtender issue with multi-lingal site ,calender does...
CalendarExtender control has one issue while working with multi-lingal sitewhen we open calender popup at bottom we can see today with current date and when we cofnigure site for different language...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Maskedit. Cant't use delete and backspace key [27069]
I've read all post here about this issue, but, none of them helped me. I put this script:try { p = Sys.Extended.UI.MaskedEditBehavior.prototype;} catch (e) { p = null;}if (String.prototype.replaceAll...
View ArticleCreated Issue: The requested script resource 'Common.Common.js' requires...
Hi I am vijaya krishna , I implemented ajax toolkit 4.1.511160 in my project . It's working fine in Visual studio but its not working in IIS . Error : Server Error in '/OPTest'...
View ArticleCommented Issue: MaskedEditExtender@(ClearMaskOnLostFocus=false) adds a zero...
In my case i have a mask "TR 9{2} 9{2} 9{5} \0 N{16}" (Turkish IBAN mask) (eg. TR 12 34 56789 0 2313412341234234)And i need to ClearMaskOnLostFocus=false cause of i need to read some fixed chars in the...
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