Edited Unassigned: cannot do postback with HtmlEditorExtender and ie11 [27583]
Found a postback problem because of the JavaScript runtime error: Invalid argument in the _editableDiv_submit of the htmleditor when using internet explorer 11.The page didn't postback with ie11 and...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Need source code of the Ajaxtoolkit version 3.5.60501.0...
Hi,We are facing a vulnerability (Missing XML Validation) in Ajaxtoolkit form (Animation.cs) that the input is not been validated properly,which was identified by HPFortify tool.So we need to look on...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: ClientScriptResource not loading scripts. [27585]
Hi,I have created some custom controls using ExtenderBase. Everything seems to be working fine with the old library (4.1.60501). Recently i have updated the ajaxcaontroltoolkit (4.1.7005) using Nuget....
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Ajax Control Toolkit issue with .NET 4.5 installed [27586]
I have an old .NET 40 VS 2010 project that uses the Ajax Control Toolkit. I have .NET 4.5 installed on my pc. I want to leave this old project targeting .NET 40, but it won't compile because I have...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: AjaxFileUpload black box [27587]
Hi there,im using DotNetNuke: 07.01.02 (356)I want to implement AjaxFileUpload control so in my ascx file i add lines:```<%@ Register assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" namespace="AjaxControlToolkit"...
View ArticleEdited Unassigned: AjaxFileUpload - only black button [27587]
Hi there,im using DotNetNuke: 07.01.02 (356) and newest AjaxControlToolKit: September 2013 ReleaseI want to implement AjaxFileUpload control so in my ascx file i add lines:```<%@ Register...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Exception type: OperationCanceledException Exception...
Exception is thrown in latest release when __doPostBack is called from javascript in Release mode. But if you set your site to Debug mode, no issuesEvent code: 3005 Event message: An...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Backspace & Delete no longer work in Masked Edit Extender...
Using a pre version 25 of FireFox the Masked Edit Extender would allow backspaces and deletes. In the specified version of FireFox this no longer works. This can be reproduced by simply adding a...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: backspace with maskededitbehavior [27580]
Hi,We are using maskededitbehavior control for required field validation for Textbox and text area.It works perfectly for atextbox. However, in case of a text area, the backspace button does not delete...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Backspace & Delete no longer work in Masked Edit...
Using a pre version 25 of FireFox the Masked Edit Extender would allow backspaces and deletes. In the specified version of FireFox this no longer works. This can be reproduced by simply adding a...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AsyncFileUpload control - script not responding in FireFox...
(originally reported by alansingfield)If you have an AsyncFileUpload control within a <DIV> that constrains its width, and set the Width attribute of the control to wider than its container, the...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: AsyncFileUpload with Firefox 22.0b1 script busy [27429]
I always test my sites with beta versions of firefox, this week Firefox 22.0b1 was released and the AsyncFileUpload started to generate a "script busy" message and it is not working anymore:>...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException:...
I'm working on a .NET 4 Web site running on IIS 5.1 and use Ajax Control Toolkit (July 2013).A Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException exception is thrown after a period of...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AsyncFileUpload control - script not responding in FireFox...
(originally reported by alansingfield)If you have an AsyncFileUpload control within a <DIV> that constrains its width, and set the Width attribute of the control to wider than its container, the...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: Visual Studio 2013 MaskedEditValidator not validating...
When validating, 01/05/2013 is a valid date where 01/13/2013 is not a valid date. Code:<asp:Label runat="server" AssociatedControlID="ShowEndDate" CssClass="col-md-6 control-label">Show end...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Backspace & Delete no longer work in Masked Edit...
Using a pre version 25 of FireFox the Masked Edit Extender would allow backspaces and deletes. In the specified version of FireFox this no longer works. This can be reproduced by simply adding a...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: backspace with maskededitbehavior [27580]
Hi,We are using maskededitbehavior control for required field validation for Textbox and text area.It works perfectly for atextbox. However, in case of a text area, the backspace button does not delete...
View ArticleCommented Issue: JS error with MaskedEditValidator's ClientValidationFunction...
I am getting the following error if I set the ClientValidationFunction property for the MaskedEditValidator.Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'value' is undefinedThe work around is to turn off the...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: 'actJQuery' is not defined [27590]
Hi, I just upgraded my Ajax control tool kit to the latest versiĆ³n (September 2013 Release) and started having this JavaScript runtime errors. __'actJQuery' is not defined__And:__couldn't obtain...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: AsyncFileUpload with Firefox 22.0b1 script busy [27429]
I always test my sites with beta versions of firefox, this week Firefox 22.0b1 was released and the AsyncFileUpload started to generate a "script busy" message and it is not working anymore:>...
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