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Edited Unassigned: CalendarExtender IE8 NaN [27911]


It seems that the bug 27827 has not been fixed when the SelectedDate contains hours/minutes/seconds info.
You'll find attached a test case.


Commented Unassigned: CalendarExtender IE8 NaN [27911]


It seems that the bug 27827 has not been fixed when the SelectedDate contains hours/minutes/seconds info.
You'll find attached a test case.

Comments: The issue is fixed and the fix will be included in one of our future releases.

Created Unassigned: Incorrect Validation Message in Callout Extender [27922]

All of the callouts on my page just display the message "Control is not valid." I am not doing anything out of the ordinary, and here is a sample of how they are set up (Note that they are in a Modal popup):

<asp:TextBox ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBox" runat="server" MaxLength="50" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidator" Text="Please enter your first name to proceed." ControlToValidate="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBox" />
<asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidatorCalloutExtender" TargetControlID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidator" runat="server"></asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender>

Image showing behavior is attached.

I am using the latest version of the toolkit.

Created Unassigned: MultiHandleSlider Disable Select Option Click Event [27923]

When a MultiHandleSlider Control is present in the page the Select option click event is not fired in __Firefox__ 40.0.2

To Reproduce Copy folowing Html code in http://ajaxcontroltoolkit.devexpress.com/MultiHandleSlider/MultiHandleSlider.aspx

<option value="0" selected="selected">Option 0</option>
<option value="1">Option 1</option>
<option value="2">Option 2</option>

Created Unassigned: File Upload Control [27924]

Unable to upload file in the asp content page. Control shows uploading but never fires the event upload complete. I have tested on a separate page and it works perfect. Any suggestions

Created Unassigned: Paste Buttons Not Working [27925]

I have installed AJAX Control Toolkit 15.1.3 in a Visual Studio 2012 project. I have created a very simple Web page with nothing on it except a single instance of the HTMLEditor control. When I view the Web page, the HTMLEditor appears, but is not working properly. The Paste and Paste from Word buttons are inoperative: clicking them has no effect. Also, the Insert Link button's pop up is completely unlabeled: the two buttons contain no text and the two input fields are unlabeled. Furthermore, there are no tooltips when I hover over the buttons.

Based on this evidence, it seems that an English language pack is missing or misconfigured. What am I missing?

Created Unassigned: 15.1.3 MaskedEditExtender breaks CalendarExtender [27926]

When I upgraded from 15.1.2 to 15.1.3 the CalendarExtender stopped working and it appears the MaskedEditExtender is causing it. Tested by disabling the MaskedEditExtender and the CalendarExtender works again. I rolled back to 15.1.2 until resolved.

While on the subject: If the CalendarExtender had a couple of basic parameters like InputMask, InvalidValueMessage I could eliminate both the MaskedEditExtender and the MaskedEditValidator.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtInvoiceDate" runat="server" Text="" Width="150px" MaxLength="10" />
<ajax:MaskedEditExtender ID="MaskedEditExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtInvoiceDate" MaskType="Date" Mask="99/99/9999" UserDateFormat="MonthDayYear" PromptCharacter="_" Enabled="true" />
<ajax:MaskedEditValidator ID="MaskedEditValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtInvoiceDate" ControlExtender="MaskedEditExtender1" InvalidValueMessage="* Invalid Date" IsValidEmpty="False" ForeColor="Red" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator2" runat="server" Text="* Required" ControlToValidate="txtInvoiceDate" ForeColor="Red" Display="Dynamic" SetFocusOnError="true" />
<ajax:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtInvoiceDate" Format="MM/dd/yyyy" Enabled="True" ValidateRequestMode="Enabled" />

Edited Unassigned: 15.1.3 MaskedEditExtender breaks CalendarExtender [27926]

When I upgraded from 15.1.2 to 15.1.3 the CalendarExtender stopped working and it appears the MaskedEditExtender is causing it. Tested by disabling the MaskedEditExtender and the CalendarExtender works again. I rolled back to 15.1.2 until resolved.

While on the subject: If the CalendarExtender had a couple of basic parameters like InputMask, InvalidValueMessage I could eliminate both the MaskedEditExtender and the MaskedEditValidator.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtInvoiceDate" runat="server" Text="" Width="150px" MaxLength="10" />
<ajax:MaskedEditExtender ID="MaskedEditExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtInvoiceDate" MaskType="Date" Mask="99/99/9999" UserDateFormat="MonthDayYear" PromptCharacter="_" Enabled="true" />
<ajax:MaskedEditValidator ID="MaskedEditValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtInvoiceDate" ControlExtender="MaskedEditExtender1" InvalidValueMessage="* Invalid Date" IsValidEmpty="False" ForeColor="Red" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator2" runat="server" Text="* Required" ControlToValidate="txtInvoiceDate" ForeColor="Red" Display="Dynamic" SetFocusOnError="true" />
<ajax:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtInvoiceDate" Format="MM/dd/yyyy" Enabled="True" ValidateRequestMode="Enabled" />

Commented Unassigned: Paste Buttons Not Working [27925]

I have installed AJAX Control Toolkit 15.1.3 in a Visual Studio 2012 project. I have created a very simple Web page with nothing on it except a single instance of the HTMLEditor control. When I view the Web page, the HTMLEditor appears, but is not working properly. The Paste and Paste from Word buttons are inoperative: clicking them has no effect. Also, the Insert Link button's pop up is completely unlabeled: the two buttons contain no text and the two input fields are unlabeled. Furthermore, there are no tooltips when I hover over the buttons.

Based on this evidence, it seems that an English language pack is missing or misconfigured. What am I missing?
Comments: Would you please attach this sample project to the issue?

Edited Unassigned: Paste Buttons Not Working [27925]

I have installed AJAX Control Toolkit 15.1.3 in a Visual Studio 2012 project. I have created a very simple Web page with nothing on it except a single instance of the HTMLEditor control. When I view the Web page, the HTMLEditor appears, but is not working properly. The Paste and Paste from Word buttons are inoperative: clicking them has no effect. Also, the Insert Link button's pop up is completely unlabeled: the two buttons contain no text and the two input fields are unlabeled. Furthermore, there are no tooltips when I hover over the buttons.

Based on this evidence, it seems that an English language pack is missing or misconfigured. What am I missing?

Edited Unassigned: File Upload Control [27924]

Unable to upload file in the asp content page. Control shows uploading but never fires the event upload complete. I have tested on a separate page and it works perfect. Any suggestions

Commented Unassigned: File Upload Control [27924]

Unable to upload file in the asp content page. Control shows uploading but never fires the event upload complete. I have tested on a separate page and it works perfect. Any suggestions
Comments: What control do you mean: AjaxFileUpload or AsyncFileUpload? Would you please provide a sample project illustrating the problem?

Commented Issue: Access of undefined array in MaskedEditBehavior [27921]

There is a bug in Sys.Extended.UI.MaskedEditBehavior.prototype.ConvFmtTime, where an undefined Array is accessed. It can easily be seen, when looking at the source:

ConvFmtDate: function(input, loadFirst) {
var m_arrDateLD,

m_arrDate = input.split(this.get_CultureDatePlaceholder()).filter(function(element) {
return element != "";
m_arrDate = m_arrDate.map(function(element) {
return element.replace(/[^\/\d]/g, '')

if(loadFirst) {
if(this.get_UserDateFormat() != Sys.Extended.UI.MaskedEditUserDateFormat.None) {

m_arrDate[this.get_CultureDateFormat().indexOf("D")] = m_arrDateLD[this._CultureDateFormat.indexOf("D")];
m_arrDate[this.get_CultureDateFormat().indexOf("M")] = m_arrDateLD[this._CultureDateFormat.indexOf("M")];
m_arrDate[this.get_CultureDateFormat().indexOf("Y")] = m_arrDateLD[this._CultureDateFormat.indexOf("Y")];
the Array "m_arrDateLD" is never defined, but when "loadFirst" is true, its values are read.
This JS-error only happens when the page is loaded (loadFirst) but it causes all following scripts to fail, which makes this component of the Toolkit de facto unusable
Comments: Hi, Thank you for sharing your experience and such detailed description of this issue. We have investigated this problem and fixed it. This fix will be included in the next release of the AJAX Control Toolkit library. Best regards, Fadil

Edited Issue: Access of undefined array in MaskedEditBehavior [27921]

There is a bug in Sys.Extended.UI.MaskedEditBehavior.prototype.ConvFmtTime, where an undefined Array is accessed. It can easily be seen, when looking at the source:

ConvFmtDate: function(input, loadFirst) {
var m_arrDateLD,

m_arrDate = input.split(this.get_CultureDatePlaceholder()).filter(function(element) {
return element != "";
m_arrDate = m_arrDate.map(function(element) {
return element.replace(/[^\/\d]/g, '')

if(loadFirst) {
if(this.get_UserDateFormat() != Sys.Extended.UI.MaskedEditUserDateFormat.None) {

m_arrDate[this.get_CultureDateFormat().indexOf("D")] = m_arrDateLD[this._CultureDateFormat.indexOf("D")];
m_arrDate[this.get_CultureDateFormat().indexOf("M")] = m_arrDateLD[this._CultureDateFormat.indexOf("M")];
m_arrDate[this.get_CultureDateFormat().indexOf("Y")] = m_arrDateLD[this._CultureDateFormat.indexOf("Y")];
the Array "m_arrDateLD" is never defined, but when "loadFirst" is true, its values are read.
This JS-error only happens when the page is loaded (loadFirst) but it causes all following scripts to fail, which makes this component of the Toolkit de facto unusable

Edited Unassigned: Incorrect Validation Message in Callout Extender [27922]

All of the callouts on my page just display the message "Control is not valid." I am not doing anything out of the ordinary, and here is a sample of how they are set up (Note that they are in a Modal popup):

<asp:TextBox ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBox" runat="server" MaxLength="50" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidator" Text="Please enter your first name to proceed." ControlToValidate="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBox" />
<asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidatorCalloutExtender" TargetControlID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidator" runat="server"></asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender>

Image showing behavior is attached.

I am using the latest version of the toolkit.

Closed Unassigned: Incorrect Validation Message in Callout Extender [27922]

All of the callouts on my page just display the message "Control is not valid." I am not doing anything out of the ordinary, and here is a sample of how they are set up (Note that they are in a Modal popup):

<asp:TextBox ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBox" runat="server" MaxLength="50" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidator" Text="Please enter your first name to proceed." ControlToValidate="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBox" />
<asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidatorCalloutExtender" TargetControlID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidator" runat="server"></asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender>

Image showing behavior is attached.

I am using the latest version of the toolkit.
Comments: ValidatorCalloutExtender uses ErrorMessage of the target validator. If this property is not set, the extender will use the default popup "This control is invalid" message. To fix your error, rename the Text property to ErrorMessage in the layout or add the ErrorMessage property with the text matching the Text property.

Edited Unassigned: Incorrect Validation Message in Callout Extender [27922]

All of the callouts on my page just display the message "Control is not valid." I am not doing anything out of the ordinary, and here is a sample of how they are set up (Note that they are in a Modal popup):

<asp:TextBox ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBox" runat="server" MaxLength="50" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidator" Text="Please enter your first name to proceed." ControlToValidate="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBox" />
<asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidatorCalloutExtender" TargetControlID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidator" runat="server"></asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender>

Image showing behavior is attached.

I am using the latest version of the toolkit.

Commented Unassigned: Incorrect Validation Message in Callout Extender [27922]

All of the callouts on my page just display the message "Control is not valid." I am not doing anything out of the ordinary, and here is a sample of how they are set up (Note that they are in a Modal popup):

<asp:TextBox ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBox" runat="server" MaxLength="50" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidator" Text="Please enter your first name to proceed." ControlToValidate="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBox" />
<asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidatorCalloutExtender" TargetControlID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidator" runat="server"></asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender>

Image showing behavior is attached.

I am using the latest version of the toolkit.
Comments: Hi. Is there a reason it cannot fall back to the text if the ErrorMessage property is not present - Or rather fall back to the ErrorMessage when the Text is not present? [The Text is the property the control itself uses when validation fails, whereas the ErrorMessage is used for the ValidationSummary control when there is a failure.](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.basevalidator(v=vs.110).aspx) Not everyone uses a summary (especially on simple pages), and your documentation (I just looked) makes no mention of either the Text or ErrorMessage property. I cannot be the only person to ever have this issue, and I am sure I will not be the last. To me, the callout is for the validator and not the summary, and it is counterintuitive to use the message intended for the summary and not the validator itself. At the very least, please update your [documentation page](http://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=ValidatorCallout%20Control&referringTitle=Tutorials) for this control to mention which attribute it relies on.

Commented Unassigned: File Upload Control [27924]

Unable to upload file in the asp content page. Control shows uploading but never fires the event upload complete. I have tested on a separate page and it works perfect. Any suggestions
Comments: It is AjaxFileUpload Control. I have included the sample project.

Commented Unassigned: Incorrect Validation Message in Callout Extender [27922]

All of the callouts on my page just display the message "Control is not valid." I am not doing anything out of the ordinary, and here is a sample of how they are set up (Note that they are in a Modal popup):

<asp:TextBox ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBox" runat="server" MaxLength="50" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidator" Text="Please enter your first name to proceed." ControlToValidate="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBox" />
<asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender ID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidatorCalloutExtender" TargetControlID="retrieveEmailFirstNameTextBoxRequiredFieldValidator" runat="server"></asp:ValidatorCalloutExtender>

Image showing behavior is attached.

I am using the latest version of the toolkit.
Comments: This is a good suggestion. We will take it into account while working on the toolkit. Thank you!
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