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Edited Issue: Issue with ToolKit in IE9 [27325]

I am getting the following error in many of my pages in IE9.

Error: Unable to get value of the property 'click': object is null or undefined

It is coming from the scriptresource.axd. I have tried everything to nail this down. It seems to be related to having an UpdatePanel and ModalPopupExtender. After I interact with a "popup form" containing both of those and click on another link on the page I get the script error that causes IE to hang forever. Everything works perfectly in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Please help!!

Commented Issue: Issue with ToolKit in IE9 [27325]

I am getting the following error in many of my pages in IE9.

Error: Unable to get value of the property 'click': object is null or undefined

It is coming from the scriptresource.axd. I have tried everything to nail this down. It seems to be related to having an UpdatePanel and ModalPopupExtender. After I interact with a "popup form" containing both of those and click on another link on the page I get the script error that causes IE to hang forever. Everything works perfectly in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Please help!!
Comments: Hi! Would you please provide a sample project to us that illustrates the described problem? Best regards, Fadil

Edited Issue: BalloonPopupExtender, DisplayOnClick does not work [27315]

Causes by misprint in BalloonPopupExtenderBehavior.pre.js

set_displayOnClick: function (value)
if (this.displayOnClick != value) {
this.displayOnClick = value;

Must be this._displayOnClick

Somewhere in page (after links to ACT scripts) add next lines:
<script type="text/javascript">
Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.prototype.set_displayOnClick = function (value) {
if (this._displayOnClick != value) {
this._displayOnClick = value;

Edited Issue: BalloonPopupExtender, DisplayOnClick does not work [27315]

Causes by misprint in BalloonPopupExtenderBehavior.pre.js

set_displayOnClick: function (value)
if (this.displayOnClick != value) {
this.displayOnClick = value;

Must be this._displayOnClick

Somewhere in page (after links to ACT scripts) add next lines:
<script type="text/javascript">
Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.prototype.set_displayOnClick = function (value) {
if (this._displayOnClick != value) {
this._displayOnClick = value;

Commented Issue: BalloonPopupExtender, DisplayOnClick does not work [27315]

Causes by misprint in BalloonPopupExtenderBehavior.pre.js

set_displayOnClick: function (value)
if (this.displayOnClick != value) {
this.displayOnClick = value;

Must be this._displayOnClick

Somewhere in page (after links to ACT scripts) add next lines:
<script type="text/javascript">
Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.prototype.set_displayOnClick = function (value) {
if (this._displayOnClick != value) {
this._displayOnClick = value;
Comments: Hi! Thank you for your report. We fixed this issue and this fix will be available in the next release of the AJAX Control Toolkit. Best regards, Fadil

Created Unassigned: Pasting into source tab adds in non-breaking spaces [27940]

Why, when i paste the following code into the source tab, then switch to the design view, and then back again, does the editor insert non-breaking spaces everywhere?

<table style="margin: 20px auto; width: 640px;">
<a href="http://www.website.com" title="" target="_blank">
<img src="http://www.website.com/Images/imagefile.png" style="width: 100%;" alt="ALT" /></a>
<td style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color: #282828; font-size: 16px; padding: 20px;">
Hi John,</p>
One line of text.</p>
Second line of text.</p>
Another line of text</p>
<a href="http://www.website.com/en/Brand/brand.aspx?SortBy=NewestDesc" title="title tag"
<img src="http://www.wesbite.com/Images/imagefile2.jpg" style="width: 200px;
margin-top: 20px;" alt="Another alt" /></a></div>
Regards,<br />
The Wesbite Team</p>
'Some text pretending to be a quote.'</p>

I've attached screenshots of what I'm seeing in a brand new web application project, and the ACT installed via nuget

Edited Unassigned: Pasting into source tab adds in non-breaking spaces [27940]

HtmlEditorExtender issue

Why, when i paste the following code into the source tab, then switch to the design view, and then back again, does the editor insert non-breaking spaces everywhere?

<table style="margin: 20px auto; width: 640px;">
<a href="http://www.website.com" title="" target="_blank">
<img src="http://www.website.com/Images/imagefile.png" style="width: 100%;" alt="ALT" /></a>
<td style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color: #282828; font-size: 16px; padding: 20px;">
Hi John,</p>
One line of text.</p>
Second line of text.</p>
Another line of text</p>
<a href="http://www.website.com/en/Brand/brand.aspx?SortBy=NewestDesc" title="title tag"
<img src="http://www.wesbite.com/Images/imagefile2.jpg" style="width: 200px;
margin-top: 20px;" alt="Another alt" /></a></div>
Regards,<br />
The Wesbite Team</p>
'Some text pretending to be a quote.'</p>

I've attached screenshots of what I'm seeing in a brand new web application project, and the ACT installed via nuget

Edited Unassigned: Pasting into source tab adds in non-breaking spaces [27940]

HtmlEditorExtender issue

Why, when i paste the following code into the source tab, then switch to the design view, and then back again, does the editor insert non-breaking spaces everywhere?

<table style="margin: 20px auto; width: 640px;">
<a href="http://www.website.com" title="" target="_blank">
<img src="http://www.website.com/Images/imagefile.png" style="width: 100%;" alt="ALT" /></a>
<td style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color: #282828; font-size: 16px; padding: 20px;">
Hi John,</p>
One line of text.</p>
Second line of text.</p>
Another line of text</p>
<a href="http://www.website.com/en/Brand/brand.aspx?SortBy=NewestDesc" title="title tag"
<img src="http://www.wesbite.com/Images/imagefile2.jpg" style="width: 200px;
margin-top: 20px;" alt="Another alt" /></a></div>
Regards,<br />
The Wesbite Team</p>
'Some text pretending to be a quote.'</p>

I've attached screenshots of what I'm seeing in a brand new web application project, and the ACT installed via nuget

Commented Issue: Wrong eventArgs for PageRequestManager.add_beginRequest if using LinkButtons [27272]

I encountered a bug within the PageRequestManager when using LinkButtons for async/ajax Updates.

If you add a listener to the Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.add_beginRequest event and raise an async postback using a LinkButton, the eventArgs will be empty (no postBackElement or panelsToUpdate will be set).

An example can be found in this Forum Post: http://forums.asp.net/t/1841094.aspx/1

The bug is in the _doPostBack Method of the PageRequestManager.

Checkout the _doPostBack method in http://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/1014bf767f65#Client%2fMicrosoftAjax%2fExtensions%2fSys%2fWebForms%2fPageRequestManager.js

There is this code piece:

var mpUniqueID = this._masterPageUniqueID;
// If it's not a cross-page post, see if we can find the DOM element that caused the postback
var clientID = this._uniqueIDToClientID(eventTarget);
var postBackElement = document.getElementById(clientID);
if (!postBackElement && mpUniqueID) {
if (clientID.indexOf(mpUniqueID + "$") === 0) {
// With ClientIDMode=Predictable, the MasterPageID is missing from the beginning
// of the client ID.
postBackElement = document.getElementById(clientID.substr(mpUniqueID.length + 1));

But the check in the inner if-condition is wrong! The clientID will never contain the masterPageUniqueID since it is a clientID (seperated with underscores) converted from a uniqueID (seperated with dollars). The check need to be done on the uniqueID which is stored in the eventTarget.

var mpUniqueID = this._masterPageUniqueID;
// If it's not a cross-page post, see if we can find the DOM element that caused the postback
var clientID = this._uniqueIDToClientID(eventTarget);
var postBackElement = document.getElementById(clientID);
if (!postBackElement && mpUniqueID) {
if (eventTarget.indexOf(mpUniqueID + "$") === 0) {
// With ClientIDMode=Predictable, the MasterPageID is missing from the beginning
// of the client ID.
clientID = eventTarget.substr(mpUniqueID.length + 1)
postBackElement = document.getElementById(clientID);

After this fix the postBackElement can be found and the eventArgs contain the valid data.
Comments: PageRequestManager was removed from ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit source code in v15.1. This file was extracted from .NET Framework's System.Web.Extensions assembly, so you can provide your feedback to Microsoft using this site: http://referencesource.microsoft.com/

Closed Issue: Wrong eventArgs for PageRequestManager.add_beginRequest if using LinkButtons [27272]

I encountered a bug within the PageRequestManager when using LinkButtons for async/ajax Updates.

If you add a listener to the Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.add_beginRequest event and raise an async postback using a LinkButton, the eventArgs will be empty (no postBackElement or panelsToUpdate will be set).

An example can be found in this Forum Post: http://forums.asp.net/t/1841094.aspx/1

The bug is in the _doPostBack Method of the PageRequestManager.

Checkout the _doPostBack method in http://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/1014bf767f65#Client%2fMicrosoftAjax%2fExtensions%2fSys%2fWebForms%2fPageRequestManager.js

There is this code piece:

var mpUniqueID = this._masterPageUniqueID;
// If it's not a cross-page post, see if we can find the DOM element that caused the postback
var clientID = this._uniqueIDToClientID(eventTarget);
var postBackElement = document.getElementById(clientID);
if (!postBackElement && mpUniqueID) {
if (clientID.indexOf(mpUniqueID + "$") === 0) {
// With ClientIDMode=Predictable, the MasterPageID is missing from the beginning
// of the client ID.
postBackElement = document.getElementById(clientID.substr(mpUniqueID.length + 1));

But the check in the inner if-condition is wrong! The clientID will never contain the masterPageUniqueID since it is a clientID (seperated with underscores) converted from a uniqueID (seperated with dollars). The check need to be done on the uniqueID which is stored in the eventTarget.

var mpUniqueID = this._masterPageUniqueID;
// If it's not a cross-page post, see if we can find the DOM element that caused the postback
var clientID = this._uniqueIDToClientID(eventTarget);
var postBackElement = document.getElementById(clientID);
if (!postBackElement && mpUniqueID) {
if (eventTarget.indexOf(mpUniqueID + "$") === 0) {
// With ClientIDMode=Predictable, the MasterPageID is missing from the beginning
// of the client ID.
clientID = eventTarget.substr(mpUniqueID.length + 1)
postBackElement = document.getElementById(clientID);

After this fix the postBackElement can be found and the eventArgs contain the valid data.

Closed Issue: HoverMenuExtender: lose focus when same PopupcontrolID is used in other hovermenuextender [17607]

forum post: http://forums.asp.net/t/1297303.aspx
problem is illustrated on example of tutorial 26: http://www.asp.net/Learn/Ajax-Control-Toolkit/Demo/HoverMenu1.aspx
website of tutorial 26: http://www.asp.net/learn/ajax-control-toolkit/tutorial-26-vb.aspx

hovermenu popupcontrolid looses focus and disappears when the used popupcontrolid is also used for another hovermenuextender.
Also the first defined instance of the popupcontrolid is shown shortly when this happens.

this occurs on windows xp with IE7 and on windows server 2008 with IE7 and FF3

I will rate this problem as medium. It surely prevents me of using the hovermenu in a scaled website where a lot of popupcontrol's shows the same data but are eventually linked to another website when clicked.

please confirm this issue.
Comments: We cannot reproduce this error in AJAX Control Toolkit v15.1. Please upgrade to the latest version of AJAX Control Toolkit v15.1. If the problem remains, feel free to post a new issue.

Commented Issue: Ajax Tab Container Is not visible on Client Side [27279]

I had develop a asp.net web site having ajax tab container inside, while working on my computer it works fine, Tab container is visible but when i deploy a website and taken compile web site to client sever in it the tab container is not visible, i had search for that on google but i didn't got proper solution for me, i had used ajaxtoolscriptmanager instead of scriptmanager but still that is not working. Please give me any solution.
Comments: Would you provide a sample project illustrating your problem?

Closed Issue: HTML Editor Extender - Image SRC doesn't submit [27280]

The HTML Editor Extender now supports pages where there are parameters in the query string.

It works really well until you press submit and the SRC attribute gets all screwed up.

Using the 2nd website textbox, I upload a file and it creates the HTML:

<p>Hello <b>world!</b></p><p><img src="?preview=1&amp;fileId=7EBEB864-D51F-4D13-8A21-D951F45A0183"></p>

The picture displays correctly. I then press submit and the image is removed. The HTML is now:

<p>Hello <b>world!</b></p><p>&lt;img src="?preview="1&amp;fileId=7EBEB864-D51F-4D13-8A21-D951F45A0183""&gt;</p>
Comments: We cannot reproduce this error in AJAX Control Toolkit v15.1. Please upgrade to the latest version of AJAX Control Toolkit v15.1. If the problem remains, feel free to post a new issue.

Commented Issue: button of the combobox doesn't work [27221]

Clicking the button of the combobox makes no effect. Dropdown list appears only on KeyPress within the TextBox. TextBox doesn't allow to enter more tрan one symbol, except '-' and '.'
Comments: Would you please attach this sample project to the issue?

Closed Issue: MaskEdit lost time if DateTime format is set [26887]

in the script funtcion AutoFormatTime has lines
if (this._MaskType == Lucky.Web.UI.WebControls.MaskedEditType.DateTime) {
var arr = this._SplitDateTime(ValueText);
var time_arr = arr[1].split(" ");
if (time_arr.length == 2) {
ValueText = time_arr[0] + " " + time_arr[1];
else {
ValueText = arr[0];//not valid array - it`s gate date? but need time

but must be

if (this._MaskType == Lucky.Web.UI.WebControls.MaskedEditType.DateTime) {
var arr = this._SplitDateTime(ValueText);
var time_arr = arr[1].split(" ");
if (time_arr.length == 2) {
ValueText = time_arr[0] + " " + time_arr[1];
else {
ValueText = time_arr[0];

Comments: Outdated.

Closed Issue: AjaxFileUpload "Select File" button not clickable if container CSS display set with Javascript [27285]

When placing the AJAXFileUpload control in a container that originally has its CSS property "display" set to "none" and then changed via Javascript nothing happens when the "Select File" button is clicked.

I have also tried placing the container off the visible area of the page and using the javascript to move it back into view with the same results.
Comments: Please upgrade to the latest version of AJAX Control Toolkit v15.1. If the problem remains, feel free to post a new issue.

Commented Unassigned: Sys Undefined [27938]

I gotten one website that I downloaded to work with the autocomplete extender. I then created a new data scaffolding website using an ADO entity model. I have created a custom list form, which was generated by the data scaffolding, and am trying to put an autocomplete extender on it. I get a sys undefined error in internet explorer. I go into the debugger and see the error.

Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
$create(Sys.Extended.UI.AutoCompleteBehavior, {"completionSetCount":100,"delimiterCharacters":"","enableCaching":false,"id":"txtName_AutoCompleteExtender","minimumPrefixLength":2,"serviceMethod":"GetDevelopments","servicePath":"/SewerCleaningHeaders/List.aspx","useContextKey":true}, null, null, $get("ContentPlaceHolder1_txtName"));

sys undefined.

I downloaded the the 15.1.3 version of ajax control tookit. It has done away with toolkit script manager and replaced it with scriptmanager. Which is what I needed because the page generated by the datascaffolding already has a script manager in the site master.

The code for the site master is as follows:

<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="Site.master.vb" Inherits="Site" %>

<%@ Register TagPrefix="asp" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
<head runat="server">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Dynamic Data Site</title>
<link href="~/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="head" runat="server">

<h1 class="DDMainHeader">Dynamic Data Site</h1>
<div class="DDNavigation">
<a runat="server" href="~/"><img alt="Back to home page" runat="server" src="DynamicData/Content/Images/back.gif" />Back to home page</a>

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<%-- TODO: Enable partial rendering by setting the EnablePartialRendering attribute to "true" to provide a smoother browsing experience.
Leaving partial rendering disabled will provide a better debugging experience while the application is in development. --%>

<asp:ScriptManager id=ToolKitScriptManager1 runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="False" >
<asp:ScriptReference Path="~/Scripts/" Name="jquery" />
<asp:ScriptReference Name="WebUIValidation.js" Assembly="System.Web" />

the code in the custom form that I am only modifying is as follows ( with autocomplete extender on bottom)

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master" CodeFile="List.aspx.vb" Inherits="List" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %>

<%@ Register src="~/DynamicData/Content/GridViewPager.ascx" tagname="GridViewPager" tagprefix="asp" %>

<asp:Content ID="headContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
<asp:DynamicDataManager ID="DynamicDataManager1" runat="server" AutoLoadForeignKeys="true">
<asp:DataControlReference ControlID="GridView1" />

<h2 class="DDSubHeader"><%= table.DisplayName%></h2>

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<div class="DD">
<asp:ValidationSummary ID="ValidationSummary1" runat="server" EnableClientScript="true"
HeaderText="List of validation errors" CssClass="DDValidator" />
<asp:DynamicValidator runat="server" ID="GridViewValidator" ControlToValidate="GridView1" Display="None" CssClass="DDValidator" />

<asp:QueryableFilterRepeater runat="server" ID="FilterRepeater">
<asp:Label runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("DisplayName") %>' OnPreRender="Label_PreRender" />
<asp:DynamicFilter runat="server" ID="DynamicFilter" OnFilterChanged="DynamicFilter_FilterChanged" /><br />
<br />

<asp:EntityDataSource ID="GridDataSource" runat="server" EnableDelete="true" />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Search" />
<br />
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="GridDataSource" EnablePersistedSelection="true"
AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" CssClass="DDGridView"
RowStyle-CssClass="td" HeaderStyle-CssClass="th" CellPadding="6">
<asp:DynamicHyperLink runat="server" Action="Edit" Text="Edit"
/>&nbsp;<asp:LinkButton runat="server" CommandName="Delete" Text="Delete"
OnClientClick='return confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this item?");'
/>&nbsp;<asp:DynamicHyperLink runat="server" Text="Details" />
<asp:HyperLinkField Text="Add" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="~/SewerCleaningHeaders/Insert.aspx" />

<PagerStyle CssClass="DDFooter"/>
<asp:GridViewPager runat="server" />
There are currently no items in this table.

<div class="DDBottomHyperLink">
<asp:DynamicHyperLink ID="InsertHyperLink" runat="server" NavigateUrl=<%# table.GetActionPath("videolist", GetDataItem())%> Action="videolist"><img runat="server" src="~/DynamicData/Content/Images/plus.gif" />Insert new item</asp:DynamicHyperLink>


<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblReferrerName" Text="Address: "></asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="Label1" Text=" Select address and press button "></asp:Label>
<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="Button" Width="67px" />

<asp:AutoCompleteExtender ID="txtName_AutoCompleteExtender" BehaviorID="txtName_AutoCompleteExtender" runat="server"
DelimiterCharacters="" Enabled="True"
TargetControlID="txtName" MinimumPrefixLength="2" CompletionInterval="1000"
EnableCaching="false" FirstRowSelected="false" CompletionSetCount= "100" ServiceMethod="GetDevelopments"

<script src="~/Scripts/MicrosoftAjaxToolkit/MicrosoftAjax.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/MicrosoftAjaxToolkit/Debug/AutoComplete.debug.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


I've never actually made one of my exsisting website work with the ajax am I missing something? I've worked on this for days and have tried many different things like copying the ajax control toolkit scripts, .js files to my website's scripts directory. Is that the wrong way to do it. They weren't there before. Tutorials that I've watched haven't even mentioned the script files but I saw it as one of the solutions.
Comments: Is there an email address I can send the sample website to?

Closed Issue: CollapsiblePanelExtender Enabled=False forces expanded panel [12201]

When a CollapsiblePanelExtender's Enabled property is set to False, it forces the ExpandControl and TargetControl to be visible. If I'm going to disable a collapsable panel, I would think it should be in a collapsed state as opposed to being fully open.

I would like the ability to 'lock' the CollapseControl by setting the Enabled property to False so the panel appears closed as opposed to being fully expanded.
Comments: We will check it while working on future releases. Thank you for your comments!

Commented Issue: TabControl stops working when control adapter is applied? [27326]

Well i had a problem with styling the TabControl as it keep rendering height: 100% on the "_body" div tag, so i created a WebControlAdapter and implemented a new RenderContents that did not render 100% height, but that created javascript error that i can't explain..
Comments: Would you provide a sample project that illustrates the described problem?

Closed Issue: MaskedEditExtender - year in long format bug + patch [27313]

Bug in MaskedEditExtender version 4.1.60919.0
When you use MaskType="DateTime" and year number is in long (4 digits) format (e.g. Mask="99/99/9999 99:99"), extender does not allow the time to be set or change after the text box lost focus.

There is a problem is in the file MaskedEditBehavior.pre.js at line 2582 in function AutoFormatTime.
There should be ValueText = arr[1] instead of ValueText = arr[0].

Comments: Please upgrade to the latest version of AJAX Control Toolkit v15.1. If the problem remains, feel free to post a new issue.
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