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Edited Issue: HtmlEditorExtender indent and outdent button clicks NOT working. [27645]

<asp:TextBox Width="100%" ID="someText" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="25" Columns="100" Text=""></asp:TextBox>

<ajaxToolkit:Undo />
<ajaxToolkit:Redo />
<ajaxToolkit:Bold />
<ajaxToolkit:Italic />
<ajaxToolkit:Underline />
<ajaxToolkit:StrikeThrough />
<ajaxToolkit:Subscript />
<ajaxToolkit:Superscript />
<ajaxToolkit:JustifyLeft />
<ajaxToolkit:JustifyCenter />
<ajaxToolkit:JustifyRight />
<ajaxToolkit:JustifyFull />
<ajaxToolkit:InsertOrderedList />
<ajaxToolkit:InsertUnorderedList />
<ajaxToolkit:CreateLink />
<ajaxToolkit:UnLink />
<ajaxToolkit:RemoveFormat />
<ajaxToolkit:SelectAll />
<ajaxToolkit:UnSelect />
<ajaxToolkit:Delete />
<ajaxToolkit:Cut />
<ajaxToolkit:Copy />
<ajaxToolkit:Paste />
<ajaxToolkit:BackgroundColorSelector />
<ajaxToolkit:ForeColorSelector />
<ajaxToolkit:FontNameSelector />
<ajaxToolkit:FontSizeSelector />
<ajaxToolkit:Indent />
<ajaxToolkit:Outdent />
<ajaxToolkit:InsertHorizontalRule />
<ajaxToolkit:HorizontalSeparator />
<ajaxToolkit:InsertImage />

htmlText = "<div><p style="margin-left:.5in"><b>Text</b> </p>
<p style="margin-left:.5in"><b>bold</b> Text<p>
<p style="margin-left:.8in"><b>Name:</b> FirstName + LastName</p>
<p style="margin-left:.8in"><b>Email:</b> Email</p></div>"

HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
HtmlNode bodyNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body");
someText.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(bodyNode.InnerHtml);

margin-left:.5in is used for indenting purposes which is NOT working when I use the above code. I tried to use Indent and Outdent buttons on the HtmlEditorExtender control, they are NOT greyed out but when clicked NOTHING happens.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Commented Unassigned: Allow External Resource Localization [27968]

I would like to provide my own resource string localization for languages not included in the ACT. I have put in a pull request that allows developers to insert their own translations. Can someone please provide feedback?
Comments: Thank you for sharing your idea! We have added this feature to our plans and will introduce it into the next version.

Edited Issue: Ajax HTMLEditorExtender Does Not Seem To Work Within DetailsView EditItemTemplate or InsertItemTemplate. [27200]

I have tried to use an HTMLEditorExtender inside both EditItemTemplate and InsertItemTemplate in DetailsView. The Textbox does not render properly (wrong colors) and the buttons also do not render properly.

If I copy the Textbox and HTMLEditorExtender markup and paste them outside the DetailsView it all works fine.

The code is pretty simple:

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Problem" SortExpression="problem" HeaderStyle-Font-Bold="true" HeaderStyle-Wrap="false" >
<asp:TextBox ID="ProblemText" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("problem") %>' TextMode="MultiLine" Columns="100" Rows="14" CssClass="basic" />
<asp:HtmlEditorExtender runat="server" ID="ProblemTextHtml" DisplaySourceTab="true" TargetControlID="ProblemText" />
<asp:TextBox ID="ProblemText" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("problem") %>' TextMode="MultiLine" Columns="100" Rows="14" CssClass="basic" />
<asp:HtmlEditorExtender runat="server" ID="ProblemTextHtml" DisplaySourceTab="true" TargetControlID="ProblemText" />
<asp:Label ID="ProblemText" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("problem") %>' />

I have attached two images; one where the Editor renders correctly outside the DetailsView and one rendered inside the DetailsView

Commented Issue: Ajax HTMLEditorExtender Does Not Seem To Work Within DetailsView EditItemTemplate or InsertItemTemplate. [27200]

I have tried to use an HTMLEditorExtender inside both EditItemTemplate and InsertItemTemplate in DetailsView. The Textbox does not render properly (wrong colors) and the buttons also do not render properly.

If I copy the Textbox and HTMLEditorExtender markup and paste them outside the DetailsView it all works fine.

The code is pretty simple:

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Problem" SortExpression="problem" HeaderStyle-Font-Bold="true" HeaderStyle-Wrap="false" >
<asp:TextBox ID="ProblemText" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("problem") %>' TextMode="MultiLine" Columns="100" Rows="14" CssClass="basic" />
<asp:HtmlEditorExtender runat="server" ID="ProblemTextHtml" DisplaySourceTab="true" TargetControlID="ProblemText" />
<asp:TextBox ID="ProblemText" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("problem") %>' TextMode="MultiLine" Columns="100" Rows="14" CssClass="basic" />
<asp:HtmlEditorExtender runat="server" ID="ProblemTextHtml" DisplaySourceTab="true" TargetControlID="ProblemText" />
<asp:Label ID="ProblemText" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("problem") %>' />

I have attached two images; one where the Editor renders correctly outside the DetailsView and one rendered inside the DetailsView
Comments: It looks like you are losing a reference to HtmlEditorExtender CSS files. This behavior does not take place in the latest version v15.1 of AJAX Control Toolkit, so I advise you upgrade your project. For more information on the upgrade process, please refer to [Upgrade guide](https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Upgrade%20your%20project%20to%20AjaxControlToolkit%20v15.1).

Commented Unassigned: Allow External Resource Localization [27968]

I would like to provide my own resource string localization for languages not included in the ACT. I have put in a pull request that allows developers to insert their own translations. Can someone please provide feedback?
Comments: Great! Thank you. Let me know if there are any concerns or questions.

Commented Unassigned: Allow External Resource Localization [27968]

I would like to provide my own resource string localization for languages not included in the ACT. I have put in a pull request that allows developers to insert their own translations. Can someone please provide feedback?
Comments: Here is the pull request just in case it wasn't clear: https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/SourceControl/network/forks/mentisdominus/ajaxcontroltoolkitfork/contribution/8465

Commented Issue: Can't upload image in detailview when using HtmlEditorExtender [27241]

When i try to upload an image in HtmlEditorExtender it fails. No error is reported, in my textbox i see only an empty <img src="">
Its does not run in the HtmlEditorExtender_ImageUploadComplete which is declared in OnImageUploadComplete

Comments: Hi! We are unable to reproduce the issue you described. Would you please provide a sample project that describes this issue or provide the steps that needed to reproduce it? Best regards, Fadil

Edited Issue: Can't upload image in detailview when using HtmlEditorExtender [27241]

When i try to upload an image in HtmlEditorExtender it fails. No error is reported, in my textbox i see only an empty <img src="">
Its does not run in the HtmlEditorExtender_ImageUploadComplete which is declared in OnImageUploadComplete

Commented Issue: DragPanelExtender - drag past edge scroll / drop bug [23050]

You can simply use the example at http://www.asp.net/AJAX/AjaxControlToolkit/Samples/DragPanel/DragPanel.aspx to see this bug.

In FireFox 3.0.7, dragging the panel past the edge causes scrolling the is jumpy = not smooth. I am not sure what was intended?
If you drop the panel, the drop is canceled (the panel reverts bask to its original position).
The behaviour looks very unprofessional. Either the browser should not scroll at all, or the scrolling should be smooth and the drop should work.

In IE 7.0.5730.13 dragging beyond the edge does not cause scrolling (although the scroll bar appear) and the drop does not work. Also, if you repeatedly try to drop while near/past the border edge, a javascript error will occur, stating the scrollLeft is invalid. On the sample url above, the error cannot be dismissed - it effectively keeps the page from being closed etc.

These problems make the DragPanelExtender unusable for simple dragging and dropping (not using a drop target).
Comments: Hi! It seems that the issue you described is reproducible with old version of the AJAX Control Toolkit library. Would you please upgrade to the current version (v15.1.4) and try to reproduce this behavior? Please, feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Best regards, Fadil

Edited Issue: DragPanelExtender - drag past edge scroll / drop bug [23050]

You can simply use the example at http://www.asp.net/AJAX/AjaxControlToolkit/Samples/DragPanel/DragPanel.aspx to see this bug.

In FireFox 3.0.7, dragging the panel past the edge causes scrolling the is jumpy = not smooth. I am not sure what was intended?
If you drop the panel, the drop is canceled (the panel reverts bask to its original position).
The behaviour looks very unprofessional. Either the browser should not scroll at all, or the scrolling should be smooth and the drop should work.

In IE 7.0.5730.13 dragging beyond the edge does not cause scrolling (although the scroll bar appear) and the drop does not work. Also, if you repeatedly try to drop while near/past the border edge, a javascript error will occur, stating the scrollLeft is invalid. On the sample url above, the error cannot be dismissed - it effectively keeps the page from being closed etc.

These problems make the DragPanelExtender unusable for simple dragging and dropping (not using a drop target).

Reopened Unassigned: Value is clear when focus to MaskedEditExtender [27966]


I have just updated to using ajax 15.1.3 and found that behavior on MaskedEditExtender is changed compared with previous version.
1. Typing value to mask input
2. Focus out mask input
3. Focus again on mask input >> value is cleared

At step 3, the value is not cleared on previous version.
I'm not sure this is new issue or it's as intend.
Could you please explain for me.


Edited Unassigned: Value is clear when focus to MaskedEditExtender [27966]


I have just updated to using ajax 15.1.3 and found that behavior on MaskedEditExtender is changed compared with previous version.
1. Typing value to mask input
2. Focus out mask input
3. Focus again on mask input >> value is cleared

At step 3, the value is not cleared on previous version.
I'm not sure this is new issue or it's as intend.
Could you please explain for me.


Edited Unassigned: Value is clear when focus to MaskedEditExtender [27966]


I have just updated to using ajax 15.1.3 and found that behavior on MaskedEditExtender is changed compared with previous version.
1. Typing value to mask input
2. Focus out mask input
3. Focus again on mask input >> value is cleared

At step 3, the value is not cleared on previous version.
I'm not sure this is new issue or it's as intend.
Could you please explain for me.


Commented Unassigned: Value is clear when focus to MaskedEditExtender [27966]


I have just updated to using ajax 15.1.3 and found that behavior on MaskedEditExtender is changed compared with previous version.
1. Typing value to mask input
2. Focus out mask input
3. Focus again on mask input >> value is cleared

At step 3, the value is not cleared on previous version.
I'm not sure this is new issue or it's as intend.
Could you please explain for me.

Comments: Thank you for pointing this out. You are right, this behavior is not intended. We have already fixed this problem when working on another issue, and the fix will be included in the next release.

Edited Issue: ComboBox inside a Panel using CSS attribute display or visibility [26874]

Precondition: ComboBoxes are inside a panel using CSS attribute display set to 'none' or visibility attribute set to 'hidden.'

Bug: when display value is set to 'inline' or 'block' the ComboBoxes are not rendered correctly. The down arrow is tiny and does not work. When the visibility property is set to 'hidden' the down arrow button remains visible, though it renders correctly when value='visible'.

Commented Issue: ComboBox inside a Panel using CSS attribute display or visibility [26874]

Precondition: ComboBoxes are inside a panel using CSS attribute display set to 'none' or visibility attribute set to 'hidden.'

Bug: when display value is set to 'inline' or 'block' the ComboBoxes are not rendered correctly. The down arrow is tiny and does not work. When the visibility property is set to 'hidden' the down arrow button remains visible, though it renders correctly when value='visible'.

Comments: We can not reproduce the issue with a down arrow in the latest AJAX Control Toolkit v15.1. Would you please provide a sample project or sample markup demonstrating this issue?   However, button visibility style behavior is fixed and the fix will be available in the next version.

Edited Unassigned: UpdatePanelAnimationExtender [27979]


When I try to use UpdatePanelAnimationExtender I'm always getting the error Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
My project worked fine until I updated Ajax Control Toolkit to version 15.1.4

Thank you,

Commented Unassigned: UpdatePanelAnimationExtender [27979]


When I try to use UpdatePanelAnimationExtender I'm always getting the error Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
My project worked fine until I updated Ajax Control Toolkit to version 15.1.4

Thank you,
Comments: I have tried to reproduce the issue you are talking about but everything operates correctly on my side. Would you please provide a sample project showing the problem so that I can research it and find the cause?

Edited Issue: HtmlEditorExtender - Edit text outside generated div [27197]

You can edit the text of the page outside the div generated by the HtmlEditorExtender.
Just select any text on the page and apply any format (bold, italic, align right, etc).
It happens only in Internet Explorer.

You can do it on the sample site:

Created Unassigned: Upgrade AJAX Control Toolkit v15.1.4 - bundling not working [27980]


I've upgraded my project to the latest version of ACT, followed steps to configure bundling but page source code is still full of links.

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