Typing the '.' character adds a space in-btween the last character typed and the decimal point. Upon tabbing out, the extra space is converted into a '0'. So typing "99." is converted into 990 upon tabbing out.
Comments: This is intended behavior. When you type a dot before a decimal point, the cursor will jump right after that point. So, if you type only '9' and type a dot, then the cursor will be set after a decimal point, but no space will be added. Then, MaskedEditExtender tries to autoformat a number when you tab out. This happens because the AutoComplete property is set to 'true' by default. So, MaskedEditExtender will fill spaces with trailing zeroes up to a decimal point, and this is exactly what you see in your scenario.
Comments: This is intended behavior. When you type a dot before a decimal point, the cursor will jump right after that point. So, if you type only '9' and type a dot, then the cursor will be set after a decimal point, but no space will be added. Then, MaskedEditExtender tries to autoformat a number when you tab out. This happens because the AutoComplete property is set to 'true' by default. So, MaskedEditExtender will fill spaces with trailing zeroes up to a decimal point, and this is exactly what you see in your scenario.