Typing the '.' character adds a space in-btween the last character typed and the decimal point. Upon tabbing out, the extra space is converted into a '0'. So typing "99." is converted into 990 upon tabbing out.
Comments: Mikhail, This can't be intended behavior. Have a look at the attached screenshot and run the sample yourself. I think you'll agree that typing 99.5 and tabbing out should result in 99.50 and not 990.50. And if this is intended behavior, then please explain what keystrokes should be used to achieve the end result of 99.50. Thanks
Comments: Mikhail, This can't be intended behavior. Have a look at the attached screenshot and run the sample yourself. I think you'll agree that typing 99.5 and tabbing out should result in 99.50 and not 990.50. And if this is intended behavior, then please explain what keystrokes should be used to achieve the end result of 99.50. Thanks