Commented Issue: HtmlEditorExtender does not render in an inactive TabPanel...
If the HtmlEditorExtender is used in a TabPanel which is not initially active on page load, then all that is displayed is what appears to be a very narrow vertical scrollbar on the left side of the...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Input controls with HTML5 types do not post back in Firefox,...
In August 2011 Microsoft released the "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Reliability Update 1" ( which amongst other things fixes two issues with the UpdatePanel...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Input controls with HTML5 types do not post back in Firefox,...
In August 2011 Microsoft released the "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Reliability Update 1" ( which amongst other things fixes two issues with the UpdatePanel...
View ArticleCommented Issue: ComboBox does not layout correctly if initially hidden [27017]
Put the ComboBox in a <div style='display:none;'>. After the page loads, run some javascript that changes the display style to "block". Now the COmboBox is visible, but the dropdownbutton is very...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Combobox list items placement? [20816]
How do you make the drodownlist show below the combobox? I have placed multiple combo-boxes on a page and when clicked on the arrows, the dropdownlists show anywhere on the page.Thanks MaheshComments:...
View ArticleCommented Issue: ComboBox problems when container is hidden at page load [25295]
HiI'm trying to use the ComboBox control inside a div that is hidden by default (display:none), the problem is that the ComboBox isn't displayed properly when the div is displayed.The button with the...
View ArticleCommented Issue: ComboBox problems when container is hidden at page load [25295]
HiI'm trying to use the ComboBox control inside a div that is hidden by default (display:none), the problem is that the ComboBox isn't displayed properly when the div is displayed.The button with the...
View ArticleCreated Issue: NumericUpDown padding-right: 24px [27127]
The code in NumericUpDown.NumericUpDownBehavior.js adds "padding-right: 24px" to the <DIV> element which wraps a <TABLE> where the target text box is moved. The padding messes up layout if...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Baloon Popup Extender (Invalid Argument Error) [27128]
I am having an issue when I have a Balloon Popup Extender tied to a label that is within a Panel using the Collapsable Panel Extender. Whenever the panel is collapsed and a post back occurs I receive...
View ArticleCreated Issue: sys.InvalidOperationException: Component was not found [27129]
Hello,In a page i have a two tab container, Firstcontainer cosist of two tab panel and second container have 11 tab panel. The page is main application root page and lots of functionality involved in...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Problem rendering content in a Collapsible Panel when it...
I have noticed a problem with the CollapsiblePanelExtender. I have a CollapsiblePanelExtender on a page that won't display it's contents even though the panel is expanded. The panel contains an update...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Collapsible Panel not showing complete content [27130]
I have noticed a problem with the CollapsiblePanelExtender. I have a CollapsiblePanelExtender on a page that won't display it's contents even though the panel is expanded. The panel contains an update...
View ArticleCreated Issue: "Extender controls may not be registered after PreRender."...
Hi,I got this error on postback of a page where I add dynamically the HtmlEditoExtender control. (all controls are reloaded if Page.IsPostback in the onInit event).It seems to be a common issue but I...
View ArticleCommented Issue: "Extender controls may not be registered after PreRender."...
Hi,I got this error on postback of a page where I add dynamically the HtmlEditoExtender control. (all controls are reloaded if Page.IsPostback in the onInit event).It seems to be a common issue but I...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Download reference c:\users\Stephen\Downloads\ajax... ???...
Where do I change this. Just downloaded, and added to TOOLBOX like it said, and now says looking for some guys setup structure... will figure this out, but where would this be...thank...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Ability to use the jquery UI css [27132]
it's possible to use css jquery UI with AJAX controls?
View ArticleCreated Issue: Microsoft JScript runtime error:...
Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Handler was not added through the Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler method.I get this iritating warning on my webpage when i use TabContainer...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Two components with the same id '{0}' can't be added to the...
I am using ajaxcontroltoolkit 4.1.51116I have usercontrol1 which have forms field like textboxe with filteredtextboxextender.I have taken this on another control from where i am opening fancybox popup...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Two components with the same id '{0}' can't be added to the...
I am using ajaxcontroltoolkit 4.1.51116I have usercontrol1 which have forms field like textboxe with filteredtextboxextender.I have taken this on another control from where i am opening fancybox popup...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HTMLEditorExtender can not process hyperlink with URLs which...
If user provides a hyperlink in the html body specifying a URL which contains a query string (parameter), it wrongly generates the html with invalid hyperlink tag and also put double quotes surrounding...
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