Commented Issue: Handler was not added through the Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler...
Hi,I'm trying to us a tabcontainer inside a updatepanel and if I use postbacks to change values inside the update panel I get the following error: Uncaught Sys.InvalidOperationException:...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Calendar Extender HijriDate Problem [27013]
this control is still has some issues even in the version 4.1.40412.0 i had tried a lot of times to use a CalendarExtender to show a hijri calnedar in an Arabic website but nothing it was useless,...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Ajax Control Toolkit showing Georgian year instead of Hijri...
HI ,When we localize the calendar extender , it will not show the Hijri year when we set the page culture to "ar-SA" . but the calendar shows Hijri Months correctly .Please see this forum Thread...
View ArticleCreated Issue: TabContainer OnActiveTabChanged event always fires [27135]
I installed the November release of the AjaxToolkit a little over a month ago, and shortly thereafter discovered this bug (in production no less). It seems that OnActiveTabChanged is firing even when...
View ArticleEdited Issue: TabContainer OnActiveTabChanged event always fires [27081]
I recently installed the November release of the AjaxToolkit, and just discovered this bug (in production no less). It seems that OnActiveTabChanged is firing even when it ISN'T changing. It fires on...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Paste from MS Word (with cleanup) in HTMLEditorExtender [26985]
We need the two paste operation:Paste Plain TextPaste from MS Word (with cleanup)in the new HTMLEditorExtender. Like we had in the old HTMLEditor.Comments: This fix would be a huge improvement over the...
View ArticleCommented Issue: JS error with MaskedEditValidator's ClientValidationFunction...
I am getting the following error if I set the ClientValidationFunction property for the MaskedEditValidator.Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'value' is undefinedThe work around is to turn off the...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AsyncFileUpload fails on the third item in a Repeater [26975]
Using .NET 4.0 and AjaxControlToolkit 4.1.50508.0, <pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="4.0" clientIDMode="AutoID" />, I see that AsyncFileUpload will always kick back "The file attached...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HtmlEditorControl is not Compatible with TabContainer [26977]
There seems to be a bug when displayed in TabContainers. When not in a TabConainer, the editor looks correct. When within a TabContainer I get the original TextBox displayed and either the HTMLEditor...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HtmlEditorExtender does not render in an inactive TabPanel...
If the HtmlEditorExtender is used in a TabPanel which is not initially active on page load, then all that is displayed is what appears to be a very narrow vertical scrollbar on the left side of the...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HtmlEditorControl is not Compatible with TabContainer [26977]
There seems to be a bug when displayed in TabContainers. When not in a TabConainer, the editor looks correct. When within a TabContainer I get the original TextBox displayed and either the HTMLEditor...
View ArticleCommented Issue: MethodAccessException was unhandled by user code /...
Sometimes I am receiving this error message, when I open Pages where ajax toolkit is implemented.Attempt to access method System.Management.Instrumentation.InstrumentedAttribute..ctor(System.String) in...
View ArticleCommented Issue: MethodAccessException was unhandled by user code /...
Sometimes I am receiving this error message, when I open Pages where ajax toolkit is implemented.Attempt to access method System.Management.Instrumentation.InstrumentedAttribute..ctor(System.String) in...
View ArticleCommented Issue: MethodAccessException was unhandled by user code /...
Sometimes I am receiving this error message, when I open Pages where ajax toolkit is implemented.Attempt to access method System.Management.Instrumentation.InstrumentedAttribute..ctor(System.String) in...
View ArticleCommented Issue: MethodAccessException was unhandled by user code /...
Sometimes I am receiving this error message, when I open Pages where ajax toolkit is implemented.Attempt to access method System.Management.Instrumentation.InstrumentedAttribute..ctor(System.String) in...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Not an issue but more of a Question [27136]
EnableCdn has hard-coded "" in System.Web dll and I know the cdn has changed to to improve performance but there is no update from the Framework...
View ArticleCreated Issue: CalendarExtender IE9 issue when selecting dates [27137]
I found an issue with the CalendarExtender when it is used in IE9...this same item seems to work in previous IE versions or IE9 compatibility mode. When I select a date that has a month or day with...
View ArticleCommented Issue: CalendarExtender IE9 issue when selecting dates [27137]
I found an issue with the CalendarExtender when it is used in IE9...this same item seems to work in previous IE versions or IE9 compatibility mode. When I select a date that has a month or day with...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Calendar in Slovak needs correction [27138]
There are 3 months and 4 days in calender that needs correction for Slovak localisationJune: Currently - Junij, has to be - júnJuly : Currently - Julij , has to be - júlAugust: Currently - Avgust, has...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Calendar in Slovak needs correction [27138]
There are 3 months and 4 days in calender that needs correction for Slovak localisationJune: Currently - Junij, has to be - júnJuly : Currently - Julij , has to be - júlAugust: Currently - Avgust, has...
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