Created Issue: AjaxToolkit ReorderList ->ReorderListItem.DisplayIndex bug...
(I'm having to fix somebody else's code here...)anyone know how to get the correct .displayindex value on postback for a reorderlist (obviously after someone has reordered the list)?i.e.Dim didx As...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HTMLEditor stripping out + (plus) characters, converting...
To reproduce, visit the demo page: Type a +2) Hit submit content3) Watch the + disappearI know we can all add, but if you...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxToolkit ReorderList ->ReorderListItem.DisplayIndex bug...
(I'm having to fix somebody else's code here...)anyone know how to get the correct .displayindex value on postback for a reorderlist (obviously after someone has reordered the list)?i.e.Dim didx As...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxToolkit ReorderList ->ReorderListItem.DisplayIndex bug...
(I'm having to fix somebody else's code here...)anyone know how to get the correct .displayindex value on postback for a reorderlist (obviously after someone has reordered the list)?i.e.Dim didx As...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Cross site scripting security bug in ToolkitScriptManager.cs...
(Originally reported by fdevedrines)The value of the _TSM_HiddenField_ request parameter is copied into a JavaScript string which is encapsulated in single quotation marks. The payload...
View ArticleCreated Issue: AjaxControlToolkit for .NET 2.0 Assembly different versions...
Hello,I found that the AjaxControlToolkit.dll included in the non-code version for v20229 has an assembly version of 1.0.20229.20821, but If I generate the dll from the full version with code, it...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Error in AsyncFileUpload.cs : 488 [27084]
Using code from changeset edf1fbcb2745 (November, 2011 release) the code in AsyncFileUpload.cs:488 (ReceivedFile method) doesn't take into account extreme nesting. Can be fixed by changing existing...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxControlToolkit SliderExtender Control [27121]
I am using SliderExtender control using AjaxControlToolkit.dll. I am facing an issue:Sys.ArgumentException: Please set valid values for the height and width attributes in the slider's CSS classes...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Ajax tool kit Nov 11 release - unable to read text on a web...
I downloaded Ajax tool kit nov 2011 release. But adding reference and updating the web.config file with the right version, my web site does not work. It shows unreadable text on the web site. - View...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Ajax TK comboboxes doesnt render corretly [27141]
Hi,Comboboxes doesn´t render correctly if they are in a tabcointainer and the tabcontainer is in an accordion. I got helped with my firt issue when the combobox was in a nested tabcointainer. Then i...
View ArticleCreated Issue: ColorPickerExtender Not Picking CSS [27142]
I am using a CPE inside a Gridview that has a CSS.<asp:TextBox ID="txtColorPalette" runat="server" Text='<%#Bind("Attn_Type_Color")%>' CssClass="pl_textfield1" Width="80px"...
View ArticleCommented Issue: TabContainer throws exception in user control with Nov...
A user control contains a tabcontainer. When aspx page loads, the user control is not visible. Ajax toolkit script function tries to set focus on tabcontainer and it throws exception : "Can't move...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Accessibility: Calendar: date selection (C): The calendar...
This may be ok since we allow the user to type the dates into the textboxComments: Under WCAG 2.0 guideline 2.1.1, all functionality on the page must be accessible via keyboard. If keyboard support was...
View ArticleCreated Issue: AntiXSS should be a dependant Nuget package [27143]
Currently the AntiXSS library included as part of the AjaxControlKit, but it should be removed and changed to a dependent Nuget package to allow for independent updating.
View ArticleCreated Issue: Type AjaxControlToolkit.BoxSide has already been registered....
I have two applications that use Ajax Controls. The first uses a modal popup to look-up some information. The second uses an update panel with a nested multiview to navigate through a setup. The second...
View ArticleCreated Issue: AjaxFileUpload Control - Doesn't work on page reached by...
The AjaxFileUpload control does not work if it is contained in a page that is reached from another page via Server.Transfer. It appears to work correctly when reached via Response.Redirect.
View ArticleCreated Issue: Error at runtime for the new (May 2012) release [27146]
I get the following error at runtime after simply putting a control on a page:"The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>)."I've attached...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Error at runtime for the new (May 2012) release [27146]
I get the following error at runtime after simply putting a control on a page:"The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>)."I've attached...
View ArticleCreated Issue: TabPanels display slightly different when using html5 doctype...
When using the html5 doctype declaration (<!DOCTYPE html>) there is a small gap between the tabs and the tabpanels in several browsers. Here's a screen capture from IE9 to show you what's...
View ArticleCommented Issue: TabContainer throws exception in user control with Nov...
A user control contains a tabcontainer. When aspx page loads, the user control is not visible. Ajax toolkit script function tries to set focus on tabcontainer and it throws exception : "Can't move...
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