Commented Issue: Error with MaskedEditValidator [26984]
When i try to use the MaskedEditValidator I get a NullReferenceExceptionThat is the Call stack locationAjaxControlToolkit.DLL!AjaxControlToolkit.MaskedEditValidator.OnPreRender(System.EventArgs e )...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Combobox breaks if ClientIDMode is static [27148]
In 4.0 if we change ClientIDMode to static and try to create to 2 instances of combobox on same page then second combobox breaks.
View ArticleCommented Issue: HTMLEditorExtender CSS Issues [27009]
Hello,Issue #1 Display NoneNote - This only occurs in Internet Explorer 8 to my knowledge. This does NOT occur in Internet Explorer 9 utilizing compatibility mode to view the page in Internet Explorer...
View ArticleCommented Issue: ColorPickerExtender Not Picking CSS [27142]
I am using a CPE inside a Gridview that has a CSS.<asp:TextBox ID="txtColorPalette" runat="server" Text='<%#Bind("Attn_Type_Color")%>' CssClass="pl_textfield1" Width="80px"...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HTMLEditorExtender CSS Issues [27009]
Hello,Issue #1 Display NoneNote - This only occurs in Internet Explorer 8 to my knowledge. This does NOT occur in Internet Explorer 9 utilizing compatibility mode to view the page in Internet Explorer...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HTMLEditorExtender CSS Issues [27009]
Hello,Issue #1 Display NoneNote - This only occurs in Internet Explorer 8 to my knowledge. This does NOT occur in Internet Explorer 9 utilizing compatibility mode to view the page in Internet Explorer...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HtmlEditorExtender is breaking windows position [27026]
HtmlEditorExtender is breaking my application position by the code bellow. Some woraround can be made?/// Wraps ASP.NET's WebForm_OnSubmit in order to encode tags prior to...
View ArticleCreated Issue: AjaxFileUpload assumes no query strings already exist in page...
When AjaxFileUpload post back it takes your page URL and appends onto the end of it it's own query strings (contextkey and guid). This works fine if your page URL doesn't already contain any query...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Microsoft JScript runtime error:...
Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Handler was not added through the Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler method.I get this iritating warning on my webpage when i use TabContainer...
View ArticleCreated Issue: HTML 5 input types not posted back on postback in...
The values of the new HTML 5 input types like "email" and "number" are not posted back to the server when using ToolkitScriptManager.It seems that the file "PageRequestManager.js" in the toolkit needs...
View ArticleEdited Issue: HTML5 input types not posted back on postback in...
The values of the new HTML5 input types like "email" and "number" are not posted back to the server when using ToolkitScriptManager.It seems that the file "PageRequestManager.js" in the toolkit needs...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Input controls with HTML5 types do not post back in Firefox,...
In August 2011 Microsoft released the "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Reliability Update 1" ( which amongst other things fixes two issues with the UpdatePanel...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxFileUpload assumes no query strings already exist in...
When AjaxFileUpload post back it takes your page URL and appends onto the end of it it's own query strings (contextkey and guid). This works fine if your page URL doesn't already contain any query...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Vertical Scroll position not in top when page loaded. [27151]
I have a page that contains a tabcontainer at the buttom of page, when the page is loaded for the first time the scroll position is going to the buttom of the page where the tabcontainer is exist, I...
View ArticleCreated Issue: BUG: AjaxFileUpload inserted inside a ModalPopupExtender in...
The AjaxFileUpload inserted inside a ModalPopupExtender, all inside a TabContainer. After selecting the file does not start loading the file. Problem that arises when not using the TabContainer. <%@...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Error at runtime for the new (May 2012) release [27146]
I get the following error at runtime after simply putting a control on a page:"The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>)."I've attached...
View ArticleCommented Issue: TabContainer throws exception in user control with Nov...
A user control contains a tabcontainer. When aspx page loads, the user control is not visible. Ajax toolkit script function tries to set focus on tabcontainer and it throws exception : "Can't move...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxFileUpload is not work at include querystring. [27155]
Below url is official ajax sample web site.I was found upload error when attached...
View ArticleCreated Issue: HtmlEditorExtender Background Color and Firefox [27158]
When using Firefox 12 with the HtmlEditorExtender, if you change the background color by clicking the background color button, then the entire background is changed. Furthermore, this change is not...
View ArticleCreated Feature: Convert HtmlEditorExtender Content into Canonical HTML [27159]
This is a feature proposal -- please vote for it if you want it.Currently, the HtmlEditorExtender will generate different HTML markup depending on the browser. For example, when you click the Bold...
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