Closed Unassigned: Ajax-Fileupload not uploading files [27770]
Please check the image I have selected two files for the first file it is showing upload 100% but not firing up upload_complete event nor going to the send fileComments: This issue was merged with...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: TabContainer hidden on 15.1 [27805]
So i have a mix between ajax control toolkit and rad control toolkit which was working just fine.Now TabContainer is not displaying when one or more tabs have inside a RadGrid component.Once i inspect...
View ArticleCreated Unassigned: AutoCompleteExtender not working... [27834]
I have installed AjaxControlToolkit v15.1, using VS 2013 Express, and am having trouble getting the AutoCompleteExtender to work.I have created a new project, then following one of the video tutorials,...
View ArticleClosed Issue: ClientScriptResource with null as componentType sometimes...
Hi,I'm using the ClientScriptResource attribute to include additional JavaScript files in my custom extender control. To do this, I pass null as componentType, just like the documentation...
View ArticleCommented Task: Improve documentation [27836]
Current issues:1. No automated generation of API reference2. Missing docs for some extenders3. Outdated contentComments: The following tickets have been merged into this one:...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: CalendarExtender parse a date value as NaN in IE8 [27827]
Hi all,I have an issue when using CalendarExtender in IE8: When I add a TextBox and a CalendarExtender into page (like following code). Note that, I set SelectedDate for this extender<asp:TextBox...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: 'HtmlEditor.ToolbarButtons.RemoveLink.debug.js' embedded...
Hello, I am trying to use the HtmlEditor control and getting the following error, which I am still trying to figure out :-) If you can please help me with what to try next Thanks!! Assembly...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: ValidatorCalloutExtender after Postback [27809]
Hello,i updated the AjaxControlToolkit i a Project to the newest Version.My Problem: I use a Textbox with RequiredFieldValidator and ValidatorCalloutExtender. At first Page_Load there is a value in the...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: MaskedEditExtender: backspace not working in FireFox [27794]
Is there a reason why the backspace does not work for the MaskedEditExtender in FireFox?
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: demo website [27786]
Either update with the new version or put this website down. Although, I do not know who owns this domain and hosts the website. It is registered for Martin Jansen.
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Bundling throws error "Cannot use a leading .. to exit...
I'm new to bundling, but I followed the directions and when loading my page, the following server error displays:Bundling throws error "Cannot use a leading .. to exit above the top directory."I've...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: stylesheets (via CDN) not loaded via HTTPS [27780]
I have a fairly simple intranet-admin site on HTTPS.__The stylesheets still load from HTTP (thus causing an "unsafe content" warning)__When loading a page that contains both an AutoCompleteExtender and...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: AutoComplete OnBlur Issue [27776]
When using the AutoCompleteExtender with version 15.1 (this existed in previous versions as well) in Google Chrome, if the browser is not at the top of the page and you click on the scrollbar (see the...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Tab Container in 15.1 [27775]
In the AJAX Control Toolkit 15.1 sample site when I go to the tabs page then on postback I get this error:Unhandled exception at line 1, column 56851 in...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Tab Container in 15.1 [27775]
In the AJAX Control Toolkit 15.1 sample site when I go to the tabs page then on postback I get this error:Unhandled exception at line 1, column 56851 in...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: ModalPopupExtender error [27771]
I am getting the following error after updating to 15.1Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Extender control 'GeneralModalPopupExtender' cannot extend 'ClientEditBtnModalPopupHidden'....
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: New version available! [27769]
Be sure to look at the homepage of the project to get the latest version of the AjaxControlToolkit. It is now a download and not a NuGet package (for now anyway, no idea if they plan on adding that...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Ajax Combo box control issue with IE11 and Fire Fox [27762]
I m having Ajax combobox control used in VS 2013 web application and its working fine in Chrome but autocomplete mode is not working in IE11 and FireFox and it doesn't allow to type in the dropdown and...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: Project Status [27729]
So is this project alive or dead? Tell me now if I should work on removing this library from my project. What is going on?
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: AutoCompleteExtender not working... [27834]
I have installed AjaxControlToolkit v15.1, using VS 2013 Express, and am having trouble getting the AutoCompleteExtender to work.I have created a new project, then following one of the video tutorials,...
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