Closed Unassigned: AutoCompleteExtender not working... [27834]
I have installed AjaxControlToolkit v15.1, using VS 2013 Express, and am having trouble getting the AutoCompleteExtender to work.I have created a new project, then following one of the video tutorials,...
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: CascadingDropDown with IE8 [27833]
// Name: CascadingDropDown.debug.js// Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit// Version: FileVersion: say "Object doesn't support this property or method" for line 255Comments: We could...
View ArticleClosed Unassigned: CascadingDropDown with IE8 [27833]
// Name: CascadingDropDown.debug.js// Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit// Version: FileVersion: say "Object doesn't support this property or method" for line 255
View ArticleClosed Issue: AutoComplete ContextKey can not be programmatically set [13076]
When I try using code to set the AutoComplete's ContextKey property, it does not maintain the provided value. It always reverts back to the hard coded value set in the property pane.Comments: This...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Accordion DropDownList Autopostback inner a user control dont...
In my project, there is a few user controls (.ascx) that I put inner Accordion Panes.Those ones who content some DropDownList with an AutoPostBack does'nt work...!Also, ListBox contents some XX (always...
View ArticleClosed Issue: HoverMenuExtender attached to Textbox will not unhover after...
This issue occurs in IE7. It does not happen with Firefox Other browsers and versions have not been tested.It is a very, very strange issue and I couldn't believe what was happening until I...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Fade animation locks area from resizing when sizing browser...
the fade animation, once run, locks the area faded from being able to be resized/conformed when sizing the explorer window.Comments: This ticket was filed for a pre-15.1 version of AJAX Control...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Rounded Corner Extender has problems with dynamic panels [8769]
Forum post: should clone all the positioning and size properties of the element to construct the parent div.<asp:Panel ID="PanelSideBar" runat="server"...
View ArticleClosed Issue: ModalPopup within MasterPage [12398]
I have a page within a master page and when i click a button to open the modal popup it doesn't appear in the right place.This only happens in IE7 in Firefox it woks perfectly.I've tried having my page...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Second popup will never show up [16163]
If you have a popup panel that contains yet another popup, it won't work, as PopupControlExtender supports the only popup visible at the same time and the first one gets closed instead of second one...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Collapsible Panel Choice Persistance Cache Problem (code...
I have also posted this in This ticket was filed for a pre-15.1 version of AJAX Control Toolkit. If this is still an issue in v15.1 or later, please file...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Issue with multi-form pages. [15985]
Hi,There is an issue in prepareHiddenElementForATDeviceUpdate function in common.js.If page has several forms, one is POST form and the rest are GET forms, there is an issue with this code: if (...
View ArticleClosed Issue: OnSelectedIndexChange firing twice using listseach extender...
The event fires twice under the following conditionsExtender is attached to a Drop down list with autopostback is set to true. A selection is made in the drop down list using the mouse. ddl set as...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Masked Edit AM/PM Does Not Work With Custom Mask (99:99) [15954]
With: masktype = time, mask = "99:99" (for hours:mins), and AcceptAMPM = true. Masked edit will not show am/pm.I browsed through the source code and noticed the format "99:99:99" is hardcoded in a few...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Print out the Emptyvalue and Promptvalue [15965]
I have some problems concerning cascadingdropdown...Iam tryiing to do someting very easy: store the values in a label. But it doesnt store any values when the selected values are emptyvalye and...
View ArticleClosed Issue: adjusting slideshow play interval [15880]
Having an issue in adjusting the play interval for a slideshow after it has started playing... I'm using the following code...function SlowInterval_Click(){var sse2 = $find('<%=...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Drag panel moves when parent has position:absolute [15895]
try to assign extender to MyPanel control that has parent with style="position:absolute" and top and/or left greater than 0 (zero)You will see that "onmousedown" panel moves<div...
View ArticleClosed Issue: MinimumPrefixLength="0" loses keyboard functionality [13378]
When I set MinimumPrefixLength="0" then press the keyboard down ,the highlight item css flash, not selectedComments: This ticket was filed for a pre-15.1 version of AJAX Control Toolkit. If this is...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Performance improvement: Cache TextBoxWrapper instances all...
We call GetWrapper of the element in all places. See TextBoxWatermark for example. Write a private function inside each behavior that caches the wrapper instance. (When doing so, be aware that property...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Enhancing Dynamic Content Support in TabPanel [13272]
When I enable the DynamicServicePath+DynamicMethod+DynamicContext key, the tabs are dynamically populated on every selection. This happens due to this behavior in Tabs.js:if...
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