Commented Issue: UpdatePanelAnimationExtender OnUpdating runs on every...
When you have multiple update panels on a page and you are using an UpdatePanelAnimationExtender for one of them, the OnUpdating animation runs for every postback regardless of which mode the...
View ArticleCreated Issue: MaskedEditExtender/CalendarExtender IE9 Issue [27166]
I'm trying to use the MaskedEditExtender and CalendarExtendar from the Toolkit.I am having an issue when you type a date in the TextBox after the first time, it is not focusing to that date when you...
View ArticleCreated Issue: HTMLEditor UNDO after REMOVE FORMATTING wipes out most of...
On IE9 if you select some formatted text and click on "Remove Formatting" this works OK. But if you immediately click on "Undo" then only a portion of all the text in the editor survives. I think it is...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HTMLEditor UNDO after REMOVE FORMATTING wipes out most of...
On IE9 if you select some formatted text and click on "Remove Formatting" this works OK. But if you immediately click on "Undo" then only a portion of all the text in the editor survives. I think it is...
View ArticleEdited Issue: HTMLEditorExtender UNDO after REMOVE FORMATTING wipes out most...
On IE9 if you select some formatted text and click on "Remove Formatting" this works OK. But if you immediately click on "Undo" then only a portion of all the text in the editor survives. I think it is...
View ArticleCreated Issue: HTMLEditorExtender CUT, COPY & PASTE icons do not always show....
Under non-IE browsers the icons on the toolbar for Cut, Copy and Paste do not appear when they are specified using: <Toolbar> <ajaxToolkit:Cut /> <ajaxToolkit:Copy />...
View ArticleEdited Issue: HTMLEditorExtender CUT, COPY & PASTE icons do not always show....
Under non-IE browsers the icons on the toolbar for Cut, Copy and Paste do not appear when they are specified using: <Toolbar> <ajaxToolkit:Cut /> <ajaxToolkit:Copy />...
View ArticleCommented Issue: version changed to 4.1.60501.0 ,cause error on IE8, not...
Hi ,I have changed ajaxcontroltoolkit to 4.1.60501.0, the it shows error like the attachment on IE 8 ( not in IE9 , IE9 (mode IE8),firefox,chrome)Comments: add more refer images
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxFileUpload assumes no query strings already exist in...
When AjaxFileUpload post back it takes your page URL and appends onto the end of it it's own query strings (contextkey and guid). This works fine if your page URL doesn't already contain any query...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Mouse cursor issue when dragging in modal popup control or...
Both DragPanelExtender and ModalPopupExtender have the mouse cursor issue when controls are dragged under IE. When you mouse over the drag panel, cursor changes to 'move'. When you drag the control,...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Ajax Upload Control Does not display Correctly [27164]
ajax control toolkit (60501) is working fine on local host. I used Ajax file upload control. but when i published the site the control does not display can see on attached image...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Ajax Upload Control Does not display Correctly [27164]
ajax control toolkit (60501) is working fine on local host. I used Ajax file upload control. but when i published the site the control does not display can see on attached image...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HTMLEditorExtender - postback escapes links and images [27160]
Hi,I have been working with the May 2012 release of the AjaxControlToolkit and am very impressed with the new HTMLEditorExtender Insert Image feature and the new file upload feature.However, as...
View ArticleCreated Issue: AjaxFileUpload - Unable to access posted file as a stream [27169]
Currently, the only way to manipulate the posted file is to save it to the file system and then do whatever with it. It would make things much easier to expose the posted file in a read only manner....
View ArticleEdited Issue: This needs to be closed [27169]
Currently, the only way to manipulate the posted file is to save it to the file system and then do whatever with it. It would make things much easier to expose the posted file in a read only manner....
View ArticleCommented Issue: This needs to be closed [27169]
Currently, the only way to manipulate the posted file is to save it to the file system and then do whatever with it. It would make things much easier to expose the posted file in a read only manner....
View ArticleCommented Issue: Input controls with HTML5 types do not post back in Firefox,...
In August 2011 Microsoft released the "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Reliability Update 1" ( which amongst other things fixes two issues with the UpdatePanel...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Input controls with HTML5 types do not post back in Firefox,...
In August 2011 Microsoft released the "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Reliability Update 1" ( which amongst other things fixes two issues with the UpdatePanel...
View ArticleCreated Issue: HtmlEditorExtender encoding HTML in postback when using...
I found a case where the HtmlEditorExtender is encoding the HTML during a postback when it's in a user control that is loaded onto a page using LoadControl().To reproduce, create a user control with a...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Type AjaxControlToolkit.BoxSide has already been registered....
I have two applications that use Ajax Controls. The first uses a modal popup to look-up some information. The second uses an update panel with a nested multiview to navigate through a setup. The second...
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