Created Issue: Asyncfile upload control "UploadedComplete" event called on...
Hi,I posted this issue in AjaxControlToolkit forum. But after confirming that this is real issue, I am posting posting the issue here.I had a page where I have to update user's profile...
View ArticleCommented Issue: HTMLEditorExtender CUT, COPY & PASTE icons do not always...
Under non-IE browsers the icons on the toolbar for Cut, Copy and Paste do not appear when they are specified using: <Toolbar> <ajaxToolkit:Cut /> <ajaxToolkit:Copy />...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Problem seeing whats active [27172]
I don't know if this actually is a real issue as its mostly aesthetic in nature, but the HtmlEditorExtender does not show whats active, meaning the buttons only act as buttons where they return to...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Problem seeing whats active [27172]
I don't know if this actually is a real issue as its mostly aesthetic in nature, but the HtmlEditorExtender does not show whats active, meaning the buttons only act as buttons where they return to...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Problem seeing whats active [27172]
I don't know if this actually is a real issue as its mostly aesthetic in nature, but the HtmlEditorExtender does not show whats active, meaning the buttons only act as buttons where they return to...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Problem seeing whats active [27172]
I don't know if this actually is a real issue as its mostly aesthetic in nature, but the HtmlEditorExtender does not show whats active, meaning the buttons only act as buttons where they return to...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Problem seeing whats active [27172]
I don't know if this actually is a real issue as its mostly aesthetic in nature, but the HtmlEditorExtender does not show whats active, meaning the buttons only act as buttons where they return to...
View ArticleCreated Issue: CalendarExtender dosen't support hijri calendar [27173]
I had tried a lot of times to use a CalendarExtender to show a hijri calnedar but nothing it was useless. firstly I changed the ScriptManager or ToolkitScriptManager properties...
View ArticleEdited Issue: CalendarExtender dosen't support hijri calendar [27173]
I had tried a lot of times to use a CalendarExtender to show a hijri calnedar but nothing it was useless. firstly I changed the ScriptManager or ToolkitScriptManager properties...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Calendar Extender HijriDate Problem [27013]
this control is still has some issues even in the version 4.1.40412.0 i had tried a lot of times to use a CalendarExtender to show a hijri calnedar in an Arabic website but nothing it was useless,...
View ArticleCreated Issue: AjaxFileUpload - Error saving data into database [27174]
Due to AjaxFileUpload page does not save other controls data. Save operation collects values of other controls but it does not save the data, all values of other control are stored as default or no...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxFileUpload - Error saving data into database [27174]
Due to AjaxFileUpload page does not save other controls data. Save operation collects values of other controls but it does not save the data, all values of other control are stored as default or no...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Multiple AjaxFileUpload on same page fires allways the same...
When I hava multiples AjaxFileUpload controls on the same page, the event fired is always the same.<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default2.aspx.cs" Inherits="Default2"...
View ArticleEdited Issue: Multiple AjaxFileUpload on same page fires allways the same...
When I hava multiples AjaxFileUpload controls on the same page, the event fired is always the same.<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default2.aspx.cs" Inherits="Default2"...
View ArticleCreated Issue: ”Script only” download for the latest may release of AJAX...
Sorry if this is placed wrongly. I couldn't find the discussion forum. I’m looking for a ”script only” download for the latest may release of AJAX Control Toolbox for use with my MVC application.Se...
View ArticleCommented Issue: MicrosoftAjax.js Not Available on CDN for Ajax Control...
Ajax Control Toolkit 40412 seems to be using its own customized version of MicrosoftAjax.js and MicrosoftAjaxWebForms.js. Toolkit's version is 4.1.40412.2, while the version that come with ASP.NET Ajax...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Error with MaskedEditValidator [26984]
When i try to use the MaskedEditValidator I get a NullReferenceExceptionThat is the Call stack locationAjaxControlToolkit.DLL!AjaxControlToolkit.MaskedEditValidator.OnPreRender(System.EventArgs e )...
View ArticleCreated Issue: AjaxFileUpload control not working on IE9, Win 7 [27177]
I'm developing a site on .Net 4 on Windows 7 32-bit in VS2010. I've updated to the May 2012 version of the toolkit and tried using the ImageUpload of the HtmlEditorExtender, but whenever I try upload...
View ArticleCommented Issue: ComboBox doesn't close its drop down list when losing input...
If you open the drop down list for a ComboBox and then move focus to another ComboBox control, the list from the previous control stays up instead of closing. The list DOES properly close when moving...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxFileUpload assumes no query strings already exist in...
When AjaxFileUpload post back it takes your page URL and appends onto the end of it it's own query strings (contextkey and guid). This works fine if your page URL doesn't already contain any query...
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