Commented Issue: HtmlEditorExtender in iPhone Safari [26982]
This HtmlEditorExtender doesn't able to key in any text into the editor.Comments: Can you please send more information about which iPhone model and safari version you are trying?
View ArticleClosed Issue: problem on page structure after adding 'Style="direction:rtl"'...
i found this issue on HTMLEditorExtender project, created by Microsoft.this project runs AjaxControlToolkit Editor, with a customized button.running the project with 'style="direction:rtl"' in body tag...
View ArticleClosed Issue: HtmlEditorExtender shows undefiend (items) as Font and Size ?...
I am using HtmlEditorExtender in aspx page.In editor Font and (font) Size drop down lists shows fonts and font sizes but other then these fonts and sizes these also shows many items with text...
View ArticleCreated Issue: _find will not get correct thing when context is document [27059]
_find will not get correct thing when context is document, it was caught by line 295 at MicrosoftAjax.debug.js:if (node.nodeType === 1) { return finder(found, selector, single, includeSelf, node,...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Mouse cursor issue when dragging in modal popup control or...
Both DragPanelExtender and ModalPopupExtender have the mouse cursor issue when controls are dragged under IE. When you mouse over the drag panel, cursor changes to 'move'. When you drag the control,...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Ajax 4.1.5116.0 AsyncFileUpload error: "Unhandled Exception:...
I upgraded to ajax 4.1.5116.0 and started to get the error: "Unhandled Exception: The file attached is invalid". <asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="uPnlAttachments" UpdateMode="Conditional">...
View ArticleCreated Issue: AJAXToolkit TabContainer jscript runtime error when...
AJAXToolkit TabContainer jscript runtime error when UseVerticalStripPlacement=true and Height=%. Using 3.5/VS2008. It works fine when I set the pixel height and not % height.
View ArticleCreated Issue: Calendar jumps to January when december is selected for EST...
Scenario:1. Open a calendar2. Navigate to next or previous year3. Now select directly month of December5. Now instead of showing December the calendar jumps to January month of the selected year. Note:...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Autocomplete Extender [27063]
Buenas tardes a todos, no se si la duda que tengo la poddre solucionar por aqui, sin embargo la escribo:Estoy implementando Autocomplete extender con web services, cuando lo hago todo en el mismo...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException [27064]
Here is the scenario: We have multiple clients,dealers and staff in our application. this problem occurs only at dealer's area. and it works fine on some of the dealer's machine. but two of our dealers...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AsyncFileUpload IE9 access is denied javascript error [26961]
Hi,Been battling this for a couple days now. Here's the scenario...I have a "fake" upload button that when clicked, will invoke the click() event on the Asyncfileupload control (latest may release)...
View ArticleCommented Issue: MaskedEditExtender incorrectly uses UTC for autocompleted...
If the actual local date (e.g. in a GMT+10 time zone) is the first day of May, then if the autocomplete of a date is used before 10am, the MaskedEditExtender will show the month to be April - when it...
View ArticleCreated Issue: AsyncFileUpload - Internet-Explorer Access is denied [27065]
I have an AsynFileUpload control on the page and an html image tag that fires the AsyncFileUpload click event. Works fine in Firefox, Chrome and Safari but not IE.**Example** <script...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Tab container inside accordion - javascript tab select error...
with latest November update, tab container inside of an accordion is throwing a javascript error on page load trying to select tab. _setFocus: function (obj) { $get("__tab_" +...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AsyncFileUpload IE9 access is denied javascript error [26961]
Hi,Been battling this for a couple days now. Here's the scenario...I have a "fake" upload button that when clicked, will invoke the click() event on the Asyncfileupload control (latest may release)...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Calendar Extender pops up whenever Enter key is pressed [15883]
No matter what control you may be on, even if a modal dialog is up, when the enter key is pressed the calendar extender pops up.I would like a way to disable this functionality.Comments: This issue is...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Calendar : Highlight little square for today's date [15487]
Can you please add this code to the Calendar control? This issue is fixed in September 2011 release.
View ArticleClosed Issue: Calendar and Globalization Issue [26770]
Here are the reproduction steps:1- Change computer's TimeZone to Cairo +2:00.2- Try to reach any website which uses the calendar control (for example...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Calendar extender memory leak [11079]
There is definitely some sort of memory leak in the calendar extender when I use it on my PC running Vista and IE7. When the control that is associated to the extender is clicked on, memory is...
View ArticleClosed Issue: Ajax ToolkitScriptManager Memory Leak [26776]
If I create a new website in VS2008 and drag a TookitScriptManager control (either from the Ajax Toolkit Apr 12 2010, Stable version 3.5.40412.0 or from the November 2009 version 3.0.31106.0) on to the...
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