Commented Issue: BUG: AjaxFileUpload inserted inside a ModalPopupExtender in...
The AjaxFileUpload inserted inside a ModalPopupExtender, all inside a TabContainer. After selecting the file does not start loading the file. Problem that arises when not using the TabContainer. <%@...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Error: AjaxControlToolkit requires ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 scripts....
I've that error. My page has<%@ Register TagPrefix="asp" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit"%>...<asp:ToolkitScriptManager...
View ArticleCommented Issue: BUG: AjaxFileUpload inserted inside a ModalPopupExtender in...
The AjaxFileUpload inserted inside a ModalPopupExtender, all inside a TabContainer. After selecting the file does not start loading the file. Problem that arises when not using the TabContainer. <%@...
View ArticleCreated Issue: ListSearchExtender issue with Chrome [27319]
I try to extend a DropDownList with a ListSearchExtender.Everything is ok with IE, but there is an issue when it comes to Chrome.I'm not able to type anything when the dropdownlist is focused and open....
View ArticleCommented Issue: ComboBox don't work with firefox [27215]
ajax toolkit 4.1.60623net 4firefox 13.0.1Autosuggestion Problem.With IE work fine but with firefox when I try to write something (anything) the control remain blank. If the control has something (some...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Auto keyboard shift on iphone doesn't work right with combobox...
Confirmed with the sample site combobox demo page. When trying to type text into the text box, the shift arrow stays highlighted and all text entered is upper case. I have to tap the shift arrow to...
View ArticleCreated Issue: AjaxControlToolkit.HtmlEditor [27321]
Hello, I am new to this forum.I am using AjaxControlToolkit and using HTMLEditor in my project but I'm getting this error.I tried to find "editor.cs" in ajaxcontroltoolkit but no file exists.Please...
View ArticleCreated Issue: ValidateRequestMode="Disabled" doesn't appear to work in...
.Net 4.5 supports ValidateRequestMode at the control level which is just fantastic and that works well with the built-in ScriptManager. If you swap the built-in ScriptManager for the...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Delete/Backspace keys do not work on MaskEditExtender +...
Hello,Comments: Fix this error please. I downloaded new version 4.1.60919 and still don't work in Chrome browser.
View ArticleCommented Issue: TabContainer throws exception in user control with Nov...
A user control contains a tabcontainer. When aspx page loads, the user control is not visible. Ajax toolkit script function tries to set focus on tabcontainer and it throws exception : "Can't move...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Please correct SVN repository location [26803]
Command: Checkout from, revision HEAD, Fully recursive, Externals included Error: Repository moved permanently to...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Please correct SVN repository location [26803]
Command: Checkout from, revision HEAD, Fully recursive, Externals included Error: Repository moved permanently to...
View ArticleCommented Issue: ComboBox don't work with firefox [27215]
ajax toolkit 4.1.60623net 4firefox 13.0.1Autosuggestion Problem.With IE work fine but with firefox when I try to write something (anything) the control remain blank. If the control has something (some...
View ArticleCommented Issue: Please correct SVN repository location [26803]
Command: Checkout from, revision HEAD, Fully recursive, Externals included Error: Repository moved permanently to...
View ArticleCommented Issue: MaximumNumberofFiles for AjaxFileUpload not Working in...
The MaximumNumberOfFiles in AjaxFileUpload doesnt work Chrome and Firefox..........If the max files mentioned is "1" then too it accepts multiple files .......... Please HELP!!! Comments: so what is...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Ajax baloon Popup Extender [27323]
Hi, on placing a popupextender linking to a label on a tab page i am getting numerous blank popups showing at start up. Once the label is clicked or mouse over they vanish just leaving the correct...
View ArticleCommented Issue: AjaxFileUpload, does not update updatepanels. [27205]
I couldnt really think of a better way to describe this issue in the title so i still hope it will be considered.Anyway, i have an AjaxFileUpload control on my page which works fine. Beneath it is an...
View ArticleCreated Issue: HTMLEditorExtender Issue [27324]
Hi,I am using your HTMLEditorExtender with the HTMLAgilityPack sanitizer. The sanitizer is removing all <br> tags in my textbox. This is a serious problem.When will it be resolved?Thanks.
View ArticleCommented Issue: CollapsiblePanelExtender Enabled=False forces expanded panel...
When a CollapsiblePanelExtender's Enabled property is set to False, it forces the ExpandControl and TargetControl to be visible. If I'm going to disable a collapsable panel, I would think it should be...
View ArticleCreated Issue: Issue with ToolKit in IE9 [27325]
I am getting the following error in many of my pages in IE9. Error: Unable to get value of the property 'click': object is null or undefinedIt is coming from the scriptresource.axd. I have tried...
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