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Edited Unassigned: Value is clear when focus to MaskedEditExtender [27966]


I have just updated to using ajax 15.1.3 and found that behavior on MaskedEditExtender is changed compared with previous version.
1. Typing value to mask input
2. Focus out mask input
3. Focus again on mask input >> value is cleared

At step 3, the value is not cleared on previous version.
I'm not sure this is new issue or it's as intend.
Could you please explain for me.


Commented Unassigned: ajax tool kit not installing [27974]

ajax tool kit is not installing in my pc.........i am using visual studio2015 community
it showing the following errrors which i attached in this post....

Comments: Hi! I am afraid that this information is insufficient to determine the cause of this issue. Note that the ACT installer is just an wrapper for the standard VSIX installer. Would you please check if the issue is still reproducible with a newer build of a raw VSIX installer (instead of the wrapper) attached that allows capturing more details? If there are no differences, please provide us with the details (results obtained on each step) required for diagnostics. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. Best regards, Fadil

Edited Issue: ajax tool kit not installing [27974]

ajax tool kit is not installing in my pc.........i am using visual studio2015 community
it showing the following errrors which i attached in this post....

Edited Issue: TabPanel CSS needs updating for Mozilla FireFox [27972]

The default css display element for .ajax_tab_inner and .ajax_tab_outer is display: -moz-inline-box. This used to display my custom css correctly in FireFox, up until FireFox v41.0,2, and now the tab headers are not displaying correctly. Changing this value to display: inline-block corrects the behavior. Can we get the default css for .ajax_tab_inner and .ajax_tab_outer to use display: inline-block instead of display: -moz-inline-box?

Edited Unassigned: Modal Popup incorrect z-index in tab container and update panel [27971]

Just noticed this with the latest release, 15.1.4. I have a tabcontainer inside an updatepanel with updatemode = conditional. Some of the tabs trigger a modalpopupextender via code-behind also via child updatepanel. Initially, the modal popup and background display on top like they should, but after doing an update on the outer updatepanel, the modal popups and background css appear behind the tab container. z-index is -6000 for backgroundelement and -5999 for the modal popup when this happens. Used to work fine prior to release 15.1.4.

Commented Unassigned: Modal Popup incorrect z-index in tab container and update panel [27971]

Just noticed this with the latest release, 15.1.4. I have a tabcontainer inside an updatepanel with updatemode = conditional. Some of the tabs trigger a modalpopupextender via code-behind also via child updatepanel. Initially, the modal popup and background display on top like they should, but after doing an update on the outer updatepanel, the modal popups and background css appear behind the tab container. z-index is -6000 for backgroundelement and -5999 for the modal popup when this happens. Used to work fine prior to release 15.1.4.
Comments: Would you provide a sample project illustrating your problem?

Edited Unassigned: array.indexOf(item,start) not supported < IE9 [27973]

v15.1.4 has introduced a problem with array.indexOf with < IE9

Problem was identified in watermark extender but may exist in other places.

Workaround is to use a polyfill along the lines of below:

if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (elt /*, from*/) {
var len = this.length >>> 0;

var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
from = (from < 0)
? Math.ceil(from)
: Math.floor(from);
if (from < 0)
from += len;

for (; from < len; from++) {
if (from in this &&
this[from] === elt)
return from;
return -1;

Edited Unassigned: array.indexOf(item,start) not supported < IE9 [27973]

v15.1.4 has introduced a problem with array.indexOf with < IE9

Problem was identified in watermark extender but may exist in other places.

Workaround is to use a polyfill along the lines of below:

if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (elt /*, from*/) {
var len = this.length >>> 0;

var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
from = (from < 0)
? Math.ceil(from)
: Math.floor(from);
if (from < 0)
from += len;

for (; from < len; from++) {
if (from in this &&
this[from] === elt)
return from;
return -1;

Commented Unassigned: array.indexOf(item,start) not supported < IE9 [27973]

v15.1.4 has introduced a problem with array.indexOf with < IE9

Problem was identified in watermark extender but may exist in other places.

Workaround is to use a polyfill along the lines of below:

if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (elt /*, from*/) {
var len = this.length >>> 0;

var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
from = (from < 0)
? Math.ceil(from)
: Math.floor(from);
if (from < 0)
from += len;

for (; from < len; from++) {
if (from in this &&
this[from] === elt)
return from;
return -1;

Comments: The issue is fixed and the fix will be included in one of our future releases.

Commented Unassigned: Modal Popup incorrect z-index in tab container and update panel [27971]

Just noticed this with the latest release, 15.1.4. I have a tabcontainer inside an updatepanel with updatemode = conditional. Some of the tabs trigger a modalpopupextender via code-behind also via child updatepanel. Initially, the modal popup and background display on top like they should, but after doing an update on the outer updatepanel, the modal popups and background css appear behind the tab container. z-index is -6000 for backgroundelement and -5999 for the modal popup when this happens. Used to work fine prior to release 15.1.4.
Comments: i have the same problem

Commented Unassigned: Modal Popup incorrect z-index in tab container and update panel [27971]

Just noticed this with the latest release, 15.1.4. I have a tabcontainer inside an updatepanel with updatemode = conditional. Some of the tabs trigger a modalpopupextender via code-behind also via child updatepanel. Initially, the modal popup and background display on top like they should, but after doing an update on the outer updatepanel, the modal popups and background css appear behind the tab container. z-index is -6000 for backgroundelement and -5999 for the modal popup when this happens. Used to work fine prior to release 15.1.4.
Comments: Look the image

Created Unassigned: Accordion Breaks child UpdatePanel with UpdateMode = Conditional [27975]

I have a project that targets .net framework 4.5. The following displays the problem. UpdatePanel2's update mode is set to conditional and is inside an accordion pane. When LinkButton is clicked, the time should update to reflect the current time in the textbox, but UpdatePanel2 does not update. When accordion is removed, leaving just UpdatePanel2 inside the tabcontainer, the textbox is updated accordingly.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="False">
<ajaxToolkit:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server" Height="200px">
<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel ID="testtab" runat="server" HeaderText="Tab 1">
<ajaxToolkit:Accordion ID="Reports" runat="server" HeaderCssClass="accordionHeader" HeaderSelectedCssClass="accordionHeaderSelected"
ContentCssClass="accordionContent" CssClass="accReports" TransitionDuration="250">
<ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane ID="accProject_Time_Report" runat="server" ContentCssClass="" HeaderCssClass="">
<Header>Employee Time</Header>
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server">LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>
</asp:UpdatePanel> </asp:Panel>

Code Behind:

Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LinkButton1.Click
TextBox1.Text = Date.Now
End Sub

Closed Unassigned: Bundling is not working for scripts on production web server [27951]

Hopefully someone can point me towards what to look for to fix this problem. I am using the latest version of AjaxControlToolkit (v15.1.3). I have followed the directions for enabling optimization and bundling. The styles are bundling correctly, but the scripts are not. Yes, I have added the script reference to the scriptmanager exactly as displayed in the instructions, and have installed the nuget Ajax Control Toolkit Static resources package, and the Scripts are all under ~/Scripts/AjaxControlToolkit/Debug and ~Scripts/AjaxControlToolkit/Release. I have debug = false under compilation in the web.config, and like I mentioned, style bundling works fine.

Another point to mention is that the scripts are bundling fine under my development machine running windows 10 and visual studio 2013 when I test my website, but when I publish it to our production webserver (windows server 2003 with IIS 6 and .net framework 4), style bundling works but the script bundling does not, as a separate script tag is rendered for each ajax control toolkit script.
Comments: Thank you for sharing your experience!

Edited Unassigned: Accordion Breaks child UpdatePanel with UpdateMode = Conditional [27975]

I have a project that targets .net framework 4.5. The following displays the problem. UpdatePanel2's update mode is set to conditional and is inside an accordion pane. When LinkButton is clicked, the time should update to reflect the current time in the textbox, but UpdatePanel2 does not update. When accordion is removed, leaving just UpdatePanel2 inside the tabcontainer, the textbox is updated accordingly.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="False">
<ajaxToolkit:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server" Height="200px">
<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel ID="testtab" runat="server" HeaderText="Tab 1">
<ajaxToolkit:Accordion ID="Reports" runat="server" HeaderCssClass="accordionHeader" HeaderSelectedCssClass="accordionHeaderSelected"
ContentCssClass="accordionContent" CssClass="accReports" TransitionDuration="250">
<ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane ID="accProject_Time_Report" runat="server" ContentCssClass="" HeaderCssClass="">
<Header>Employee Time</Header>
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server">LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>
</asp:UpdatePanel> </asp:Panel>

Code Behind:

Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LinkButton1.Click
TextBox1.Text = Date.Now
End Sub

Commented Unassigned: Accordion Breaks child UpdatePanel with UpdateMode = Conditional [27975]

I have a project that targets .net framework 4.5. The following displays the problem. UpdatePanel2's update mode is set to conditional and is inside an accordion pane. When LinkButton is clicked, the time should update to reflect the current time in the textbox, but UpdatePanel2 does not update. When accordion is removed, leaving just UpdatePanel2 inside the tabcontainer, the textbox is updated accordingly.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="False">
<ajaxToolkit:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server" Height="200px">
<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel ID="testtab" runat="server" HeaderText="Tab 1">
<ajaxToolkit:Accordion ID="Reports" runat="server" HeaderCssClass="accordionHeader" HeaderSelectedCssClass="accordionHeaderSelected"
ContentCssClass="accordionContent" CssClass="accReports" TransitionDuration="250">
<ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane ID="accProject_Time_Report" runat="server" ContentCssClass="" HeaderCssClass="">
<Header>Employee Time</Header>
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server">LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>
</asp:UpdatePanel> </asp:Panel>

Code Behind:

Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LinkButton1.Click
TextBox1.Text = Date.Now
End Sub
Comments: I've attached a sample project WebApplication1.zip that uses Ajax Control Toolkit 15.1.4 based on markup that you provided. It runs perfectly fine. Would you please share more details about the problem you faced? Recording a video with your actions will help a lot (you can use the [Jing tool](https://www.techsmith.com/jing.html) for this purpose).

Edited Feature: No OnClick Event for Ratings [9125]

The ratings control does not support the OnClick event, only an OnChanged event. This is a problem for sites that allow users to submit a rating using a control that defaults to the item's existing average (a popular approach) as in this scenario the user can only submit a value if either a) their value is not equal to the existing average (CurrentRating), or b) a separate PostBack mechanism is implemented.

This behavior could be easily changed in the _onStarClick() event handler. This could be handled conditionally based on whether or not an OnClick event handler is defined in order to maintain backwards compatibility with the existing OnChanged behavior.

This is somewhat related to Issue#4017, although that pertains exclusively to client side events. I also posted about this at:

I suspect there is a relatively easy way to work around this in JavaScript by overriding the event handler, although I'm not entirely sure how to accomplish this - worst case, posting this as a known work around would be useful.

Commented Feature: No OnClick Event for Ratings [9125]

The ratings control does not support the OnClick event, only an OnChanged event. This is a problem for sites that allow users to submit a rating using a control that defaults to the item's existing average (a popular approach) as in this scenario the user can only submit a value if either a) their value is not equal to the existing average (CurrentRating), or b) a separate PostBack mechanism is implemented.

This behavior could be easily changed in the _onStarClick() event handler. This could be handled conditionally based on whether or not an OnClick event handler is defined in order to maintain backwards compatibility with the existing OnChanged behavior.

This is somewhat related to Issue#4017, although that pertains exclusively to client side events. I also posted about this at:

I suspect there is a relatively easy way to work around this in JavaScript by overriding the event handler, although I'm not entirely sure how to accomplish this - worst case, posting this as a known work around would be useful.
Comments: This feature is implemented and will be available in one of future releases.

Commented Unassigned: ScriptUserControl class missing! [27946]

I just thought I would give it a try and port my web project to the all new ACT.
The very first problem I noticed my solution containing my own controls based on ACT did not compile.
ScriptUserControl class is missing! I checked the ACT source code and still did not find it.
What happened?
Comments: The ScriptUserControl class was removed starting with version 15.1. If you want to write your own custom control, you can follow [general guidelines](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb398782.aspx) used in other AJAX Control Toolkit controls. If you need any code that existed in the ScriptUserControl class, the only solution is to copy that code from the [source code archive](https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/54408791a19f2e26419e716c898987d941e568f7#Server/AjaxControlToolkit/ExtenderBase/ScriptUserControl.cs) directly to your custom control class. If you have any trouble rewriting your code, feel free to post the source code so we can help you with migration.

Commented Issue: Extending Multiple Textboxes with a Single Calendar Control [9730]

If I have a multiple textboxes as part of a DataList or Repeater I have to create an extender for each. This produces a very slow page if I have 30 rows. We really need the ability to extend all of these textboxes with a single extender assuming it does this in an efficient way
Comments: This cannot be implemented because of ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit architecture limitations. If you need the CalendarExtender functionality for multiple text boxes, you can use the [jQuery UI Datepicker widget](https://jqueryui.com/datepicker/) as described in this stackoverflow thread: http://stackoverflow.com/a/10803548/644496

Edited Issue: Background doesn't render properly with Multiple ModalPopupExtenders [27101]

I have a problem with version 51116 (Nov 2011 release) of the toolkit. When opening multiple ModalPopups, the second ModalPopup that gets opened doesn't get its background rendered properly: it stays behind the first ModalPopup. The screenshots below shows the difference in rendering between versions 40412 and 51116 of the toolkit. Version 40412 on the left is has its first modal popup covered with the second modal popup's backgroundElement, version 51116 on the right is not. Furthermore, version 51116 allows user interaction the first modal popup, which would not be favorable since data on child popups usually is dependent on the action performed on its parent. I also observed some modalpopups that are not rendered properly (child popups appearing under its parent), but that could be resolved with revised code.

Is this a bug? If it's not, are there any versions between these two that features the nice dropshadow (that I like with 51116) but renders the backgroundElement the same with 40412?
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