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Commented Unassigned: Modal Popup incorrect z-index in tab container and update panel [27971]

Just noticed this with the latest release, 15.1.4. I have a tabcontainer inside an updatepanel with updatemode = conditional. Some of the tabs trigger a modalpopupextender via code-behind also via child updatepanel. Initially, the modal popup and background display on top like they should, but after doing an update on the outer updatepanel, the modal popups and background css appear behind the tab container. z-index is -6000 for backgroundelement and -5999 for the modal popup when this happens. Used to work fine prior to release 15.1.4.
Comments: It seems that this is caused by the fix of the [27101](https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/workitem/27101) issue. These changes are reverted now. Would you please check your project with the latest version of the source code of AJAX Control Toolkit?

Commented Unassigned: masked edit extender numeric mask behavior with negative showing reduces mask for display [27976]

When loading the control from the code behind, a mask of 99.9 and acceptnegative set to left (or right does not matter), the control only displays the first digit to the left of the decimal, and the decimal. It does not display the negative sign if it exists, nor the second digit. The control allows the user to input the negative and two digits to the left of the decimal.

Example: loading a value of -10.5 from code behind, shows 0.5 in control.

Here is the control and maskededitextender:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtLine" runat="server"
Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Line", "{0:##.#}")%>' style="width:35px; text-align:right; border-style:inset; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000" />
<ajaxToolkit:MaskedEditExtender ID="txtLineMaskedEditExtender" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtLine"
Mask="99.9" MaskType="Number" MessageValidatorTip="true" OnFocusCssClass="MaskedEditFocus"
OnInvalidCssClass="MaskedEditError" InputDirection="RightToLeft" AcceptNegative="left" DisplayMoney="None" />


settting the mask to 999.9 shows the 2nd digit to the left of the decimal, but (as it should) allows the user to put in 3 digits.

when data is preloaded using the 999.9, there are some strange behaviors when the user attempts to enter data - the cursor always begins one character to the left of the decimal, so they are always entering first into the 10s position.
Comments: We were unable to reproduce this issue. Would you please provide a sample project?

Commented Issue: MaskEditExtender: date mask isn't supported [27370]

If 99/LLL/9999 mask is used and MaskType=Date is set, then in wrong value is displayed: instead of short name of month NaN is appears. This behavior also shows when UpdatePanel is used on web-page.
Comments: The "Date" MaskType of the extender is not designed for the textual representation of a month. If you want to show a date's month as text, use MaskType="None". In this case, MaskedEditExtender will not try to alter this field.

Closed Issue: MaskEditExtender: date mask isn't supported [27370]

If 99/LLL/9999 mask is used and MaskType=Date is set, then in wrong value is displayed: instead of short name of month NaN is appears. This behavior also shows when UpdatePanel is used on web-page.

Commented Unassigned: masked edit extender numeric mask behavior with negative showing reduces mask for display [27976]

When loading the control from the code behind, a mask of 99.9 and acceptnegative set to left (or right does not matter), the control only displays the first digit to the left of the decimal, and the decimal. It does not display the negative sign if it exists, nor the second digit. The control allows the user to input the negative and two digits to the left of the decimal.

Example: loading a value of -10.5 from code behind, shows 0.5 in control.

Here is the control and maskededitextender:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtLine" runat="server"
Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Line", "{0:##.#}")%>' style="width:35px; text-align:right; border-style:inset; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000" />
<ajaxToolkit:MaskedEditExtender ID="txtLineMaskedEditExtender" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtLine"
Mask="99.9" MaskType="Number" MessageValidatorTip="true" OnFocusCssClass="MaskedEditFocus"
OnInvalidCssClass="MaskedEditError" InputDirection="RightToLeft" AcceptNegative="left" DisplayMoney="None" />


settting the mask to 999.9 shows the 2nd digit to the left of the decimal, but (as it should) allows the user to put in 3 digits.

when data is preloaded using the 999.9, there are some strange behaviors when the user attempts to enter data - the cursor always begins one character to the left of the decimal, so they are always entering first into the 10s position.
Comments: I will try to cut down what I have shortly.

Closed Unassigned: Doc.body.scrollTop don´t always return an integer [27957]


I am using the AjaxControlToolkit v.15.1.3 in a Webform application and have som problems with that Doc.body.scrollTop dont always return an integer. The browser im using is Chrome Version 45.0.2454.101 m

Location of error:

Error message:
This is where the code crashes:
``` C#
var ex, ownerDoc = element.ownerDocument, documentElement = ownerDoc.documentElement,
offsetX = Math.round(clientRect.left) + (documentElement.scrollLeft || (ownerDoc.body ownerDoc.body.scrollLeft : 0)),
offsetY = Math.round(clientRect.top) + (documentElement.scrollTop || (ownerDoc.body ? ownerDoc.body.scrollTop : 0));
I think one solution for this is to move the parenthesis so you wrap all the statments with Math.round()
``` C#
var ex, ownerDoc = element.ownerDocument, documentElement = ownerDoc.documentElement,
offsetX = Math.round(clientRect.left + (documentElement.scrollLeft || (ownerDoc.body ownerDoc.body.scrollLeft : 0))),
offsetY = Math.round(clientRect.top + (documentElement.scrollTop || (ownerDoc.body ? ownerDoc.body.scrollTop : 0)));

Best regard, Patrik Ericsson

Closed Issue: AjaxFileUpload and HtmlEditorExtender not calling ImageUploadComplete Event [27303]

DEV ENV: VS 2008 SP1, .NET 3.5
AjaxControlTooklit.dll (Version 3.5.60919.0)


HtmlEditorExtender and AjaxFileUpload do not work well when created and added to the page dynamically. Special steps and workarounds are required to get the Upload Image File to work properly.


I dynamically create HtmlEditorExtender(s) on my page for a number of different reasons, and it generally works fine. However, I tried to implement the new ImageUpload functionality and had to overcome a number of issues to get the events to properly cascade from client to server and to event handler.

The issues are generally related to creating the HtmlEditorExtender controls dynamically (e.g., HtmlEditorExtender hee = new HtmlEditorExtender();... Panel1.Controls.Add(hee)). To get it to work, I had to do all of the following:

[1] After "Upload" is clicked on the client side, the server starts the entire Master-Page-UserControl cycle which causes a number of non-HEE, application issues because none of the Form variables are posted in the POST of the file data. I overcame this by ensuring that the entire application stack, except the responsible UserConrol, returns before processing any of the Page_Init, Page_Load, Page_etc. events.

[2] I had to add special handling code for the POST of the file from the AjaxFileUpload control. To check if this was a POST of an HttpFile from the HtmlEditorExtender/AjaxFileUpload, I had to check the Request.QueryString["contextkey"] and Request.QueryString["guid"] parameters for data in the Page_Init handler for the UserControl.

[3] If the HtmlEditorExtender caused the HTTP Post then I had to dynamically create "stub" controls for the HtmlEditorExtender and the TargetControl textbox and add them to the Parent container. If I didn't add these then the AjaxFileUpload would not have anything to call for the ImageUploadComplete or would lack necessary data.

[4] I had to ensure that the Visible property of all the parents of the HtmlEditorExtender were true. It appears that the OnImageUploadComplete event chain is invoked in the HtmlEditorExtender's Page_PreRender handler. Thus, if it or its parents had Visible=false then ASP.NET would not call the HtmleEditorExtender's Page_PreRender which contained the call to the OnImageUploadComplete event chain.


In summary, if you are trying to use the HtmlEditorExtender's ImageUpload on a dynamically created control, you'll generally need to do the following (summarized for brevity):

On AddControls_Click {
TextBox tb = new TextBox();
tb.ID = "foo";

HtmlEditorExtender hee = new HtmlEditorExtender()
hee.ID = "bar";
hee.TargetControlID = "foo";
hee.Toolbar.Add(new InsertImage())

On Page_Init (processing the HTTP POST of the file data) {
if(Request.QueryString["contextkey"] && Request.QueryString["guid"])
// add controls again (see above)
hee.ImageUploadComplete += [your event handler here]

// Make sure all parent/parent/.../parent controls have Visible=true
// so that the AjaxFileUpload's Page_PreRender will be called and
// therefore call your [your event handler here]


Please include dynamically created controls and features as part of the development and unit testing.

Comments: Thank you for sharing your experience! We will keep it in mind during our future work.

Commented Issue: htmleditorextender set value in the editor using javascript [27260]



I am trying to work with the new htmleditorextender but am having trouble clearing the value/ or changing in the textbox. (in the old editor I was able to use "set_content("")").

When using input type=reset all values on the page are reseted but NOT the textbox using the htmleditorextender.

I also tried clearing/changing them by code but nothing worked. The value is not resetted on the screen. When checking the value using alert the value seems to be cleared. but on the screen the value still shows.

some code I tried:

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="10" Width="80%" > </asp:TextBox>
<asp:HtmlEditorExtender ID="HtmlEditorExtender1" EnableViewState="false" runat="server" TargetControlID="TextBox1">
<asp:Bold />
<asp:Copy />
<input class="reset" type="button" value="Reset" onclick="clearpage();" />

the "clearpage()" function


Can anyone please give me an idea how to reset the value/ or change the value in the editor without postbacking.



Comments: iuppiter, thank you for sharing your experience!

Closed Issue: htmleditorextender set value in the editor using javascript [27260]



I am trying to work with the new htmleditorextender but am having trouble clearing the value/ or changing in the textbox. (in the old editor I was able to use "set_content("")").

When using input type=reset all values on the page are reseted but NOT the textbox using the htmleditorextender.

I also tried clearing/changing them by code but nothing worked. The value is not resetted on the screen. When checking the value using alert the value seems to be cleared. but on the screen the value still shows.

some code I tried:

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="10" Width="80%" > </asp:TextBox>
<asp:HtmlEditorExtender ID="HtmlEditorExtender1" EnableViewState="false" runat="server" TargetControlID="TextBox1">
<asp:Bold />
<asp:Copy />
<input class="reset" type="button" value="Reset" onclick="clearpage();" />

the "clearpage()" function


Can anyone please give me an idea how to reset the value/ or change the value in the editor without postbacking.



Commented Issue: Block UI same Jquery [27219]

Is possible create a blockui as with jquery ajax ?
Comments: Would you please clarify what you want to achieve and how it is related to AJAX Control Toolkit?

Closed Issue: Tab Container Issue when switch the tab panel [27228]

1. Set the Tab Container "OnDemand = true".
2. The tab container has two tab panle.
3. The tab 1 has the form element, and they have therir validation control
4. The tab 2 has one grid view control
5. Set the tab 2 "OnDemandMode = Once".
6. Set the tab 1 is active tab. Then click the tab2 and then click the tab 1. the form element validation control will be triggered, and I add the vadition group , the issue still there.

Commented Issue: TabPanels display slightly different when using html5 doctype [27147]

When using the html5 doctype declaration (<!DOCTYPE html>) there is a small gap between the tabs and the tabpanels in several browsers.

Here's a screen capture from IE9 to show you what's happening: http://www.clubwebware.nl/uploads/images/temp/3-5-2012_14-11-58.jpg

Google Chrome does not have this gap, but other browsers like IE9 and Firefox 12 do.

That gap isn't there when using another doctype declaration like
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

(screen shot: http://www.clubwebware.nl/uploads/images/temp/3-5-2012_14-21-38.jpg)

This seems to be a CSS issue, but how can I fix it?

Thanks in advance for any pointers.

Comments: We tested this control in all modern browsers (including IE9 and FireFox) and did not detect the described problem in the current v15.1 version of Ajax Control Toolkit.

Closed Issue: TabPanels display slightly different when using html5 doctype [27147]

When using the html5 doctype declaration (<!DOCTYPE html>) there is a small gap between the tabs and the tabpanels in several browsers.

Here's a screen capture from IE9 to show you what's happening: http://www.clubwebware.nl/uploads/images/temp/3-5-2012_14-11-58.jpg

Google Chrome does not have this gap, but other browsers like IE9 and Firefox 12 do.

That gap isn't there when using another doctype declaration like
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

(screen shot: http://www.clubwebware.nl/uploads/images/temp/3-5-2012_14-21-38.jpg)

This seems to be a CSS issue, but how can I fix it?

Thanks in advance for any pointers.

Closed Issue: HTML Editor Init performance - save 3 seconds! [26791]

When HTMLEditor is created AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.ToolbarButton.CommonButton.OnInit (EventArgs) is called 56 times. Each call creates a new instance ResoureManager and reads a single string.
When I did a static field _rm and tested on OnInit if not null, I save 2999ms.

private static ResourceManager _rm;

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
if (_rm == null)
_rm = new ResourceManager("ScriptResources.BaseScriptsResources", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
ToolTip = _rm.GetString("HTMLEditor_toolbar_button_" + this.GetType().Name + "_title");
Comments: Outdated.

Edited Issue: Add "Insert" capability to MaskedEditExtender instead of just "Overwrite" [15147]

When entering text into a TextBox that is not empty, most users expect newly typed characters to be inserted where the cursor is, pushing existing text off to the right. A TextBox with a MaskedEditExtender overwrites existing text instead of inserting.

Example: The textbox currently contains "01/23/1999". The user places the cursor in between the "2" and the "3", presses backspace, and types a "1", expecting the result to be "01/13/1999". Instead, the "1" overwrites the "3", resulting in "01/11/999_".

This new "Insert vs. Overwrite" feature would need to maintain the current default behavior of the MaskedEditExtender so as to not break existing code. I suggest adding a property named NewTextMode to the MaskedEditExtender which could be used to toggle the "Insert" functionality. The possible values for the NewTextMode property would be Overwrite and Insert, and the default value would be Overwrite.

Edited Feature: ContextMenu: Relevant menu for controls available on right clicking [8032]

Similar to Popup/HoverMenu - displays a custom menu when the on oncontextmenu event is fired on an element.

Edited Feature: Add "Insert" capability to MaskedEditExtender instead of just "Overwrite" [15147]

When entering text into a TextBox that is not empty, most users expect newly typed characters to be inserted where the cursor is, pushing existing text off to the right. A TextBox with a MaskedEditExtender overwrites existing text instead of inserting.

Example: The textbox currently contains "01/23/1999". The user places the cursor in between the "2" and the "3", presses backspace, and types a "1", expecting the result to be "01/13/1999". Instead, the "1" overwrites the "3", resulting in "01/11/999_".

This new "Insert vs. Overwrite" feature would need to maintain the current default behavior of the MaskedEditExtender so as to not break existing code. I suggest adding a property named NewTextMode to the MaskedEditExtender which could be used to toggle the "Insert" functionality. The possible values for the NewTextMode property would be Overwrite and Insert, and the default value would be Overwrite.

Edited Issue: Paste from MS Word (with cleanup) in HTMLEditorExtender [26985]

We need the two paste operation:
Paste Plain Text
Paste from MS Word (with cleanup)
in the new HTMLEditorExtender. Like we had in the old HTMLEditor.

Commented Unassigned: Modal Popup incorrect z-index in tab container and update panel [27971]

Just noticed this with the latest release, 15.1.4. I have a tabcontainer inside an updatepanel with updatemode = conditional. Some of the tabs trigger a modalpopupextender via code-behind also via child updatepanel. Initially, the modal popup and background display on top like they should, but after doing an update on the outer updatepanel, the modal popups and background css appear behind the tab container. z-index is -6000 for backgroundelement and -5999 for the modal popup when this happens. Used to work fine prior to release 15.1.4.
Comments: In 15.1.3 worked! In this version i have the tabcontainer visibility error.

Created Unassigned: Attempting to use V15.1.4 with an Empty ASP.Net Web Application [27977]

Attempting to use V15.1.4 of AJAX Control Toolkit with Visual Studio 2015 and an Empty ASP.Net Web Application. The Toolbox shows the Toolkit tab but all of the controls are greyed out and the tab only shows up if I tell it to show me all tabs. The documentation shows using it with a regular ASP.NET Web Application but I do not want all of the overhead of that kind of a project. Any ideas what I need to do to make it work with my Empty Web Application?


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